The Past

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Narrator: As Midoriya makes his way back to the city he passes by the hospital to see how his mother is doing, after he checks his phone and sees messages from Kimiko. 

Midoriya: Damn it, I forgot I left without telling her a thing. I should go check on her. 


Kimiko: Mama, mama. Hold my hand. "Young Kimiko looks at her mother pleadingly" 

Seer: Of course. "She say's with a smile" 

Iwoa: You shouldn't do that you remember what happened last time, you were electrocuted. 

Seer: It was an accident, I won't ignore her just because she can't control her quirk. Besides once she controls it I'm sure she will a great hero. Isn't that right Kimiko. 

Kimiko: Yeah! I'm gonn be so good, and get really strong I promise. "She say's looking up at her mother" 

Narrator: Her mother just smiles at her when she suddenly clutches her chest. 

Kimiko: Mama? 

Iwao: Are you alright. Seer? 

Seer: I'm fine I just felt strange for a second it's probably nothing. "she say's with a smile." 

Narrator: This continues for months, when one day Kimiko looks for her mother she balances on her toes and reaches for the door knob on her mothers room and opens it and see her mother treating a small burn on her arm. 

Kimiko: Mama what happned, you hurt. 

Seer: I'm fine it's just a small burn, are you hungry. "She nods" Let's get you something to eat then. 

Narrator: She say's as she picks her daughter up and takes her to the kitchen, inkowing to her the burns were caused by her quirk her.. A year later Kimiko's mother Seer. Dies the doctors didn't know how. After her quirk emerged her father was always distant, but once her mother died he stopped talking to her all together, one day they both went to the morgue as they received a call on how her mother died. Once they arriver Iwoa talks to the doctor. 

Iwoa: So you know, how did she die. 

Doctor: After further study we see it's was due to someone's quirk. We determined that the person has the ability to slowly to suck the life force out of the user.

Iwoa: I see, thank you. Let's go. 

Narrator: Once they both get home their dog meets them at the door, Kimiko goes to pet him and later plays with him. Later Kimiko knocks on her fathers door and he opens it to see Kimiko holding the dog dead in her arms. 

Kimiko: Daddy, you said not to bother you but Zippy won't move.  

Narrator: Iwoa eyes open in realisation as the pieces fall together, his daughter had a second quirk she could suck the life out of living people. 

Iwoa: It was you! You killed your mother it's all your fault! "He said looking at his 8 year old daughter" 

Kimiko: What? Daddy I'm scared. "She say's moving closer towards him" 

Iwoa: No don't touch me! 

Narrator: He say's pushing her to the ground as he backs away, she falls to the ground in pain. 

Kimiko: Ow that hurt. "She say's with tears in her eyes." 

Iwoa: Stay away from me, trying to kill me like you did with your mother. 

???: Kimiko!


Midoriya: Kimiko are you okay, you were moving a lot in your sleep. 

Narrator: She opens her eyes to see Midoriya looking down at her. 

Kimiko: Izuku! 

Narrator: She say's wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulls him in for a hug. 

Kimiko: I was worried about you, you weren't here when I woke up. 

Midoriya: * She never called me Izuku before* Oh sorry I got a message that my mother woke up so-

Kimiko: Oh that's great! 

Midoriya: Yeah after that It was almost morning so I went back tot eh dorms to pack for my internship and left in the morning. It went pretty well I start tomorrow.

Kimiko: That's good, I'm happy for you. 

Midoriya: Thanks. 

Kimiko: What happened by the way, with the mission.  

Narrator: He explains everything that happened on the mission. 

Midoriya: I have a question though, how come you didn't tell me you had a quirk. 

Kimiko: I- Uh I don't really like talking about it, or my quirk in general I hate it so I don't use it. 

Midoriya: I'm sorry, if you want to talk about some time I will be here.  

Kimiko: Thanks. "She say's as she buries her face in his chest" 

Midoriya: You had a nightmare right, you okay. 

Kimiko: Yeah "She say's lifting her head " it was just some bad memories it's probably because I used my quirk after such a long time. 

Midoriya: You got a letter by the way. 

Narrator: She looks at it and just puts it to the side.

Kimiko: It's not important. 

Midoriya: You sure, now that I think about it I have seen the same type of letter before couple times actually. Is someone threatening you or stalking you! Is this "He looks to read the name on the letter" Iwoa following you or something. 

Kimiko: No, it's not that I swear. "She say's with a giggle" 

Midoriya: What's so funny. 

Kimiko: It's just nice to know you care. "She say's with a light blush on her cheeks" 

Midoriya; Of course I do, we uh- 

Narrator: He tries to from the words but he get's distracted by the softness of her hand resting on his cheek, he sees her moving closer to him he doesn't stop her or move away. As she is about to kiss him a spark comes off her finger shocking him. 

Midoriya: Ow! 

Kimiko: I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.

Midoriya: No it's fine, I know you didn't mean to. 

Kimiko: No I shouldn't have tried that, are you okay. 

Midoriya: Really I'm fine. 

Kimiko: It's pretty late, you should probably go back to your dorms.

Midoriya: I really don't have to, it's fine. 

Kimiko: Please go. "She say's quietly" 

Midoriya: If your sure.  

Narrator: He said as he get's up to leave as he is walking back he starts thinking. 

Midoriya: *I shouldn't push her, her quirk obviously has some personal issues behind it, but her quirk really activated at the wrong time.*

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