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Narrator: Once the smoke cleared and the fight finished News reporters and medics came to the scene, Midoriya was put into the hospital for a couple days, his friends visited and apparently his injuries were actually treated pretty well. He got released earlier then he thought and decided to walk home it was pretty dark and thought he would surprise his mother. 

Izuku: I should thank the others for saving me, maybe tomorrow it's pretty late "He checks his phone for the first time in days and sees he has "*20 missed calls* She must be worried sick I wonder how she will react to all this. 

Narrator: As he walks through the door he walks towards her room but stops before he opens the door, he looks at the clock and sees it's midnight. 

Izuku: I shouldn't wake her, it's way to late, we can talk tomorrow. 

Narrator: He changes clothes before he get's in bed and before he sits down he sees the notebook he took from the base of the villains poke out of his pocket. He flicks through the pages.

Izuku: * I only took this to screw with Shigaraki but, it only has like two pages filled, and it doesn't even make sense words are missing* I should still give it to the police, maybe they can find something. 

Narrator: The next day he wakes up and looks towards the clock he sees it's six AM. He struggles to get out of bed since his body is still beat from the non stop fighting he had to do and takes a shower, once he get's out he walks towards his mothers room and opens the door. 

Izuku: I didn't want to wake you se early but I wanted to see yo-

Narrator: He looks to see her bed empty.

Izuku: Sheets are still laid, did she not even sleep in the bed. "he walks outside the apartment and starts to call her phone" Come on, Pick up. Pick u- "He hears the click of the phone answering" Oh Mom you had me worried I was about to go out looking for you, are you oka-

???: Is this Izuku Midoriya. 

Izuku: Who is this and why do you have my mothers phone? "He questions suspiciously"

???: You should come down the the Police department, it's about your mother it's probably best to talk in person. 

Izuku: What? 

Narrator: He is sat in his seat while the detective talks to Mr Aizawa, Midoriya is repeating the conversation in his head over and over. 


Izuku: So! Tell me what happened. 

Detective: When you were captured by the villains and All Might was fighting All For One, we believe she saw you on TV in the background and went down there to try and get you but she was attacked by a-

Izuku: N-no I- is she al- "He says in a shaky voice" 

Detective: From what I heard she is doing fine now but we don't know for sure, it's going slow. 

Izuku: "He releases a sigh he didn't know he kept in, the thought of his mother being dead shook him to his core " Who did this. 

Detective: Luckily we caught the guy on one of the cameras. We ran him through our database and we did get a match, Marcus Freed likes to call himself Sub-zero. Your mother was impaled with a sort of ice weapon he made, she was also close to getting hyperth- I'm sorry you probably don't want to know this, I shouldn't have said anything. 

Izuku: No it's fine. "He say's blankly"  

Detective: Would you like us to call anyone your father someone close to you.

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