The Book

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Narrator: Izuku wakes up as he looks at his clock and sees it's 11:30 he is surprised they let him slept in so late, but he realises it was probably Uraraka. He picks up the  book form his chest remembered he went to bed late training with a kendo stick he got from Desut a while back while trying to find out what that book meant. 

Izuku: *I tried every way I could think of to find out what they meant, but the words missing how do I reveal them. There must be something I need to see the missing words and letters.I-* 

Uraraka: Hey Deku, I got the rest of the day off from school so we can go visit your mom. 

Izuku:: Oh hold on. 

Narrator: They go to the hospital to see how his mother was doing there was no new news, so they start to walk out. 

Uraraka: It will be fine, you know. 

Izuku: Yeah, they say no news is good news. 

Uraraka: Right.

Narrator: Izuku looks up and sees a purple lamp on a desk. The dot's start to click. 

Izuku: * UV light I'm so stupid, they had one in there base when I was tied up that's why I can't see the words.* 

Narrator: One they get back he say's he is gonna finish that puzzle she suggested, he goes to Yaoyorozu's room. 

Izuku: Could you make me a UV light. 

Yaoyorozu: What for. 

Izuku: Trying to get Mineta to clean his room, maybe if he sees the dirt for himself he will more likely do it.

Yaoyorozu: I doubt it but okay.   

Narrator: She complies and creates a UV light torch, he takes it to his room and shines it on the book the words start to come together as he realises they are addresses and names. One of the names are Marcus Freed. 

Izuku: *Him. He is the person who attacked my mother. I should give this to the police. Wait no they have their stupid priority list it would take them too long he could change address by then. Maybe I can... Go after him myself. If I do this I have to do it right, no one can know it's me and I can't use my normal hero suit. I'm gonna have to fix that. 

Narrator: Since Izuku is still off school because of his injuries and what happened to his mother, so he goes looking for the material he came for. He forces himself to go back inside his mothers and his apartment to start making it.   

Izuku: I'm glad she taught me how to sow because the hood looks great "He says with a light chuckle as the room fills with silence" 

Narrator: Once he is satisfied with his work he lays it down and spray paints it ,as he thinks of what else he needs. He picks up his new boots and uses his wielding iron to melt spikes onto the front of the shoe. He adds pads that he bought onto his suit, and looks at it in suprise. 

Izuku: Got the suit done but the guy has a ice quirk even if I do beat him how would I restrain him, "He thinks" oh I guess that will work, damn why has it got to be her. 

Narrator: He walks up to the door and knocks the door slides open as his eyes met Mei Hatsume he sees her face is full of soot, probably from some explosion. 

Mei: Oh Midoriya! What can I do for you.

Izuku: Not much just a uh could you make me a carbon fibre metal like rope with a freezing point of about -0.55 Celsius. Also can you make some holsters for my now batons.  

Mei: Hm very specific, what is this for. 

Izuku: Well I need something encase I have to go against Todoroki again. 

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