I have time Right?

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FLASHBACK: * I have some time so maybe I should cross another name off the list, shouldn't take too long right.*


Narrator: Izuku or Vigilante jumps through the window onto the fire escape and climbs to the roof jumping from building to building, he looks Infront of him and looks up to see a winged silhouette in the sky he looks at the next building and sees that he won't make the jump. he pulls out one of his blades and throws it into the next building and Vigilante jumps on it and onto the building. 


Vigilante: *Damn! I have been chasing this guy all night, I can't believe it's morning I need to finish this.* 

Narrator: As he runs he picks up a rock and throws it at the villain knocking it into his head, to turns to screech at him as he dose he throws another and it goes right into his mouth. 

Vigilante: Haha, I didn't even mean to do that. 

Narrator: The bat Villain dives down to attack him Vigilante doges out of the way and leaps onto his back, as the Bat villain flies franticly trying to get him off his back. Vigilante grabs his high tensile rope and wraps it through his open mouth and grab both ends with both hands trying to steer him.

Vigilante: I know you can't understand me but, you messed up my whole night and I'm kind far from school so, your gonna take me close but not too close can't draw suspicion. 

Narrator: As he steers him he pushes all of his weight onto it's neck directing it down into the building. 

Vigilante: Sorry about this but your heal. 

Narrator: He pulls out another blade and cuts down his wing creating a whole, which causes both to loose control the bat flies into the side of the building Vigilante jumps of it's back and stabs his blade into the wall hanging from it as it slowly slides down the wall and drops to the ground. He looks around and sees some rope and ties the villains wings up and uses a black bin bag he grabs both of it's wings and puts them inside the bag and uses some rope he found tying it tight. He uses the reminder of the rope to wrap it round the bat and runs with it into the street using his momentum throwing it over a lamppost letting the villain hang there as he jumps back into the alley

Vigilante: I have to find a better way to get my blades back.

Narrator: He thinks as  he changes and heads back to UA. 

Tokoyami: What's with the rush Midoriya. 

Izuku: I promised I would help Uraraka with some hand to hand combat before the provisional licence exam. "He said running past him to the gym" 

Uraraka: You had me worried for a second. Your not usually late. 

Izuku: Sorry I was busy with some things. Let's get started, how about we spar to see what I can help you with. "he say's with a yawn" 

Narrator: (Tiny time skip) Midoriya swipes at her feet knocking her to the ground. He reaches out his hand to help her up. 

Izuku: You should change your stance so it's easier to doge attacks like that. 

Narrator: He says crouching down moving her legs unknowingly to him she is blushing by this. 

Izuku: There, if you remember that stance you should be alright and be a little faster since it will eb easier to move. 

Narrator: They spar again and Izuku swipes at her feet but she jumps over it dodging his attack, he throws a punch in her direction and doges his punch and before he retracts it she grabs his arm and uses his momentum to flip him over her onto the ground.  

Izuku: Was not expecting that. "He says sitting up" 

Uraraka: Yeah I figured, I learned it from Gunhead. 

Izuku: Damn, maybe I should go ask him for help. 

Uraraka: Maybe, I mean considering you did just loose to me. 

Izuku: That was practice, I was holding back. Plus I was tired. 

Uraraka: Riiiight. 

Izuku: I would ask you for a rematch, but I need to do soemthing and I want to get some rest before we have to leave for the exam. 

Uraraka: It sounds like your just scared. But okay. "She says walking out" 

Narrator: Before she leaves he grabs her arm and pulls her back into his chest surprising her

Izuku: I just wanted to say good luck on the exam. 

Uraraka: O-oh yeah same to you. "She say's nervously" 

Narrator: They say there goodbyes as Midoriya goes to the hospital to check on his mother, he walks in the room and sits on a chair near her bed. 

Izuku: I'm glad you've stabilised, but the doctors aren't sure why you haven't woken up yet. I hope you will soon because I have my licence exam tomorrow, I wish you could come watch it's another step towards me becoming a hero. 

Narrator: He sits in silence for a moment thinking

Izuku: You know at first I wanted to be a hero because it's always been my dream but ever since what happened to you, I have a new reason to be a hero. I want to be a new kind of hero, one who never wavers a kind of hero who always get's back up and doesn't fall until the fight is over. Right now I don't care if I become the number 1 hero I just want to be strong enough to protect the people I care about, so nothing like this ever happens to you. So I promise I will do everything I can to make that true. I won't let anyone get hurt again.

Narrator: He walks back to dorms and heads to bed, he thinks while lying trying to catch some of the sleep he missed. Later he wakes up and changes into his uniform he takes his case with his hero costume, and goes towards the bus taking them to the site of the license exam.

The Quirkless Hero Book 1Where stories live. Discover now