Mind Games

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The other day I was just randomly sitting at home when a package was at my door. I opened it and the WWE Womens Championship title and the divas championship title was in it. There was even a note.

Dear Sia,
Please come back we need you. The WWE isn't the same without you. All the divas are going wild thinking that they are getting a title shot. Aj has refused to do anything and won't until you come back. The shield has destroyed every superstar in the locker room because you are gone. We had to rush seven people to the hospital in one day. Sia we need you more then anything. Can you please take it into consideration of coming back and we'll talk about everything.

-COO Stephanie McMahon

I ripped up the paper and threw it away. I looked at both of the titles and skyped Aj. I showed her and she laughed. We talked about me coming back, but I never said I was. I came back tonight to give them the titles back that they left on my door step.

I pulled up to Madison Square Garden and got out. I went through the back door so no one spotted me. I snuck into the authority office and laid the titles down. I walked out and went to catering. I sat in the very back so no one would see me. I was watching the show and it showed the authority in their office starring at the titles.

" What we see is the authority starring at the titles that are suppose to be held by Sia. After Monday night Raw she disappeared, but the titles keep appearing. "

Michael said.

" She's still the holder of both of the titles, but why won't she keep them? Any diva in that locker room wants to get their hands on those."

JBL said.

Stephanie's music hit and they walked out holding the titles. They got in the ring and she got a microphone.

" Sia. If you're here can you come out please we want to talk."

They looked around.

" Sia please just come out."

My music hit, but I just sat still. Superstars and divas looked around. The cameras went to the crowd and they all looked around with hope in their eyes. They showed one girl and it was Melania. She had hope in her eyes looking around. The music cut. I stood up. I walked out and snapped my fingers. You could hear the crowd cheering. I walked down to the crowd and snapped my fingers. The light came on and I was standing there. The crowd went wild I looked at Melania and smirked. I snapped and the lights went out. I walked away and the lights came on. Everyone looked around.

" Did you see that Sia is here!"

King said.

" For all we know that could have been someone dressed like her."

JBL said. I went into the locker room that had my name on it. I went in and watched some of the show. That was until the shield walked in. When I saw them I got extremely angry. I attacked all of them leaving them unconscious. I left out of the locker room and got in my car driving back to my hotel. I looked at the rest of the show. The authority went to the locker room I was suppose to be at and went in. They saw the shield all unconscious. I got my phone and called Stephanie.

" Hello, Sia?"

I laughed.

"You may want to call an ambulance."

I smirked hanging up.

" Call an ambulance. "

She said. They all looked down at the shield and the screen went black. I packed my bag and checked out the hotel. I went to the airport and got a flight to Philadelphia. I checked into my hotel and went to sleep.

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