Hall of Famer

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I was in my dressing room making sure I looked okay. I would go out and receive my grandfather's ring for the hall of fame then the bomb will drop that I'm going to be in the hall of fame as well. I walked out to the curtain.

" Now inducted to the hall of fame the crazy Murray Stratigias. Excepting this is his granddaughter Siarra Stratigias. "

I walked out smiling. John gave me a hug. I went to the podium.

"Murray, Murray. "

The crowd chanted.

" Wow. This is absolutely amazing. I know if The crazy man Murray Stratigias could see this right now he would be excited. Being able to accept something like this for a man I thought of as my father is a dream. I remember when I first started in the WWE we would both sit eating snow cones talking about what it was like when he was in the WWE. He would tell me all about the Monday night rivals with WWE and WCW. How he left WCW to become someone greater in the WWE. He was very fund of certain wrestlers. For instance Triple H was one of his all time favorites, but then he started working with a man by the name of John Cena. He would train John and I, let's say if you were us you could not have messed up or you were done. If it was push ups, sit ups, even getting water ballons threw at you it hurt."

They laughed.

"Thank you all for allowing my grandfather live his dream, for letting him do something he loved, for letting him be himself then someone he really wasn't. Thank you."

Everyone clapped. I turned and was about to walk off.

" Wait Sia one moment. "

I turned to see Stephanie standing there with my mom, dad, Lita, Vince, Hunter, Aj, and Linda. Mom walked up to the podium.

" Siarra Stratigias. A four time divas champion and a holder of the WWE Womens Championship title. Starting in this business at the age of 14 winning her first title at 15. Sia has made a impact on the WWE and WWE Universe with her crazy, mysterious, lunatic ways. Doing what no other diva has, Sia created a name for herself becoming a legend to us all. "

Mom got chocked up on her tears.

" Sia has dominated in and out of the ring. Either going after her enimies or working for her organization 'Lives Matter'. Sia is a hero to some, a demon to others, but to me she's everything. "

A tear slid down my eye. I wiped it away.

"I would proudly as a mother like to induct the goddess of goddesses, my daughter, Siarra Analise Stratigias into the WWE Hall of Fame."

I smiled crying and mom gave me a huge hug.

She whispered in my ear,

"I am so proud of you. You've come far growing up into a beautiful young woman."

We pulled away and she put the ring on my finger. I looked back at the crowd and saw Dean sitting there with a smile on his face. I smiled back.

" Oh god how I hate speeches. "

I said laughing through the tears. Mom came and wiped the tears away.

" When I was told I was going to be inducted into the hall of fame I refused. True story. Stephanie was at my house telling me why I was being inducted. She reminded me of why I was here in the WWE. I met a fan of mine a few weeks ago. She put me to tears when she told me her story and about how I saved her life. She's one of the reasons I get up out of bed and go do things taking risk in the ring. I've learned doing this is tuff especially being the youngest in the WWE. No one cares that you have a bad day, everyone has those days. You kiss it up, put on your gear and go fight in your match the next 20 minutes. Being in the WWE at the age of 14 taught me to take responsibility. I couldn't go out with friends and do whatever. I had to be in the ring fighting through blood, sweat, and tears. Now look four years later. I'm being inducted into the hall of fame the same night as my grandfather. Thank you to WWE Universe, thank you mom and dad for putting up with me and my issues, Aj you've been my best friend since you got here and I can't thank you enough. "

She was crying.

" Lita, Stephanie you two are like my other mothers who've taught me about this business and how there was consequences thank the both of you. Thank you all have have a good night."

I turned walking and I hugging everyone on stage. The crowd was doing a standing ovation chanting my name. We went backstage and we all cried. I went to my dressing room and put everything away. I walked out and was lead to my seat by a woman. I sat by Dean.

" You look absolutely stunning tonight. "

" You look handsome as well."

He grabbed my hand kissing it. We looked at the rest of the ceremony until it was over. We got up and I had to go take picutres with the other hall of famers. I walked with Dean holding hands.

" You look beautiful. "

" You've said that like 30 times already."

I smiled at him.

" Well it's the truth."

" Thank you . "

I said kissing his cheek. We walked in and the divas were taking pictures.

" Sia you look absolutely stunning. "

Brie said smiling.

" Thanks. "

" Oh my god I need that dress in my closet."

Nikki said literally running.

" And look at the shoes."

She whined. I smiled and Dean wrapped his arm around me.

" You two look amazing. "

They both said.

" Thanks."

We both said.

" Sia we need you."

The photographer said.

" When duty calls."

Dean gave me a quick kiss and Nikki and Brie giggled. I went and they stood me in the middle with the other inductees. They handed me a frame with a old picture of grandpa in the ring. I had to hold it slanted and the others around me did his little arm raise. (Like what Randy does). They snapped the picutre. We took some more then I had to take some with mom and dad. I took one with Dean. He was holding my waist and kissing my cheek. My head was turned looking down. I had took some with Aj and John. We took lots more then it was time to go. I walked back to my dressing room with Dean. I opened the door and we walked. Dean looked at me and kissed me.

" So gorgeous. "

He whispered looking me in the eyes. I gave him a peck on the lips and we got all of my things. We left the arena and went to my house. We went to my room and I took off my shoes.

Dean took off his shoes. I stood up.

" Can you unzip me please?"

I turned around and moved my hair. He put his hand on the zipper and unzipped it slowly kissing my shoulder in different spots.

" All done."

I turned around and smiled. I unbuttoned his suit jacket.

" Why thank you. "

He said kissing my forehead.

" I'm gonna shower."

I went to my closet and pulled off the dress. I laid it on my table so it could get cleaned. Dean wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. He started kissing all over my neck.

" Dean I need to shower."

I groaned.

" Later."

He said picking me up bridal style. He walked to my room and laid me in my bed.

"I love you. "

" I love you too. "

I said and he kissed me.

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