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"I've been to Asgard?!" You've been listening to Peter talk for hours. All the things he described you doing kept getting more outrageous. "What did I do there?"

"Thor says you helped fight his evil sister and prevent Ragnarok," Peter said casually.

You thought about what he was saying, but the only thing that came to mind was you wearing a gladiator outfit and talking to a guy made out of rocks. Obviously, that would have never happened. "I don't know, kid. I don't think that's something I would do."

"But you did!" Peter insisted.

You simply shook your head and stood up. "I'm no hero, kid. I was made to follow orders."

"If that was true, then you would have killed me when Abbott told you to."

"I could've."

"But you didn't."

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "You're a good storyteller, kid, but I'm still not buying it. I'm not that guy you keep describing."

"Come with me then. I bet if you spend some time with the team, they'll change your mind. Especially since you got someone waiting for you," Peter said with a teasing tone.

You raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Who-"

"(Y/N)!" Dr. Abbott shouted as the door slammed open. He walked in looking furious with Hector and Ajax. "I thought I told you to get rid of him."

You stepped back in fear. "I was- I mean I was going to but-"

"When I give you an order, I expect you to follow it!"

"You can't talk to him like that!" Peter shouted. Dr. Abbott turned to glare at him, and you were filled with dread.

The doctor tore the mask off of Peter and struck him across the face making you flinch. He then grabbed Ajax's gun and aimed it at the teen's head. "I guess I just have to get rid of you myself."

Peter turned to look at you, scared out of his mind, before closing his eyes. Seeing him like that seemed to trigger something in you. It caused a dam to break in your mind, and memories started to flood through.

"Don't touch him," you growled as you grabbed Abbott's wrist. You twisted it, making him let go of the weapon as he looked at you with a mixture of shock and fear.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" he shouted at you.

You tightened your grip and then grabbed his throat with your other hand. "I don't have to listen to you anymore."

You pushed him back so that you were standing in between him and Peter, but you didn't let go of his throat. Ajax and Hector hesitated in doing anything. If they tried to stop you now, they might risk Abbott getting hurt.

"What are you planning on doing?" Abbott asked. "If you kill me, you'll be dead before reaching the front door."

You looked back at Peter, who was ecstatic to see you were back to normal. You felt immense guilt in knowing you had dragged him into this and knew that your priority was to get him out.

"I'll take my chances," you told Abbott before punching him as hard as you could as payback for hurting Peter. Ajax then lunged at you, but you threw him towards his brother, knocking them both to the ground.

You then quickly undid Peter's restraints, and he put his mask back on. "Let's get out of here."

The two of you ran out of the room, and an alarm started blaring through the building. Peter nearly panicked, but you encouraged him to keep moving.

"If we go through the front, we'll be ambushed," you reasoned. "Follow me."

You led Peter to the back of the building where there was a large automatic door. You pressed a large red button, and it slowly started to go up.

"Once this is open, we have to get as far away from this place as possible. Your suit will start working again, and you'll be able to call the team for help."

Peter nodded, but you saw the eyes go wide as he looked behind you. You didn't have time to turn around before Hector jumped onto your back, his claws digging into your shoulders, making you shout in pain. Peter quickly tore him off you, and you helped him push him away.

There was a sudden screeching sound as the automatic door got stuck. It hadn't opened enough for you to crawl under it but Peter could. "You gotta get out, kid."

"We can force it open, we just-"

"No time," you tell him as Hector got back on his feet and you heard several other footsteps running in your direction. "Do what I told you to."

"But you-"

"I trust you, Peter, now go!" You pushed him forward just as Hector lunged at you again. You kept him occupied as Peter crawled under the door and disappeared from your view. You could only hope he would call the Avengers on time.

"Get him!" you heard Abbott shout. Ajax then joined in the fight throwing you onto your back, and you tried stopping him from clawing up your face.

He and Hector had time to activate their powers so they were stronger than you, but you were a lot more resourceful. You reached for the knife holstered in Ajax's belt and plunged into his chest. He instantly froze, and you turned away as blood started to fall from his mouth and wound.

You buried the knife deeper into his chest until he stopped moving completely and slumped on top of you. You then pushed him off but couldn't celebrate your small victory as you saw all the other Hydra agents surrounding you, their guns raised.

You simply sighed and put your hands up, surrendering.

"Get him hooked up to the machine!" Abbott shouted, sounding furious. He had blood gushing from his broken nose. "This time I want a completely clean slate!"

Hector looked down at Ajax and then back at you. He remained emotionless as always, but judging from how hard he knocked you out, you could say he was very upset.

A/N: dun dun dunnn

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now