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"Build a statue for me."

"We will build a big statue for you."

"With my helmet on, with the big bendy horns."

"I will tell father what you did here today."

"I didn't do it for him," You glance at Odin and see him mouth the actor's last line along with him.

"Nooo!!" the actor playing Thor yells dramatically. Then the actor playing Odin steps forward and starts monologuing.

"Why is the little kid painted blue?" you ask no one in particular

As actor Odin continued talking you could hear some of the crowd openly sobbing.

"... that melted this old fool's heart," the actor finished.

The crowd erupts in applause as the actors take a bow. Odin himself gives a standing ovation. "Bravo! Bravo! Well done."

You awkwardly clap along, still not truly knowing what was happening. "I'm guessing you helped write this."

"Just a few pointers here and there," he replied. He grabbed the goblet he was offered by his servants and started chugging it.

"Father." You both turn at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Oh shit," Odin cursed under his breath. "My son! Thor has returned! Greetings my boy."

Ignoring Odin's odd behavior, you rush over to your friend before he has time to reach his father. "Thor, buddy! I missed you so much... you stupid asshole! Why did you leave me alone on a different planet!?"

A little startled at your change of attitude, Thor put his hands up defensively in front of him. "Trust me, my friend, it was not on purpose. There were complications while crossing the Bifrost, I hope your stay in Asgard has not been unpleasant because of it."

"No, but you're on thin ice."

"Of course," he gave you a pat on the shoulder and then looked around. "Have you seen my brother by any chance, it's urgent that I speak to him."

"No, everyone swears your brother hasn't come back from Earth, besides your father. Which by the way is not what I expected for the ruler of the nine realms." You both turned at the same time to look at Odin who was pretending to enjoy his drink.

"Do not worry, I'll get to the bottom of this." Giving you one last pat on the back, Thor made his way to his father who looked more nervous the closer his son came.

"Wait, the bottom of what? Okay never mind, just walk away..." you awkwardly stood in the spot Thor had left you as the people around you whispered among themselves. Crossing your arms over your chest and you pretended to admire the decorations to avoid their glances. If you would have known Asgard was going to be this boring, you would have stayed home. But before you could completely regret your choice in accepting Thor's invitation you heard a commotion coming from where your friend and his father were talking a minute ago. Finally, some action.

You look to see Thor holding Odin by the back of his neck as soldiers surround him in an offensive position. "He's lost it", you tell yourself.

"You know nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand," Thor tells his father as you see Thor's hammer fly towards him. "Not even your face."

Panicked, Odin struggled against Thor's grip. "You've gone quite mad!"

"Uh buddy I don't think decapitating the King is a going to help anyone," you tell him as you slowly approach him.

"Yes, listen to the mutt! You'll be executed for this!"

"Then I'll see you on the other side... brother," Thor responds.

In a flash of light, the illusion faded, and Loki appeared. "Alright, I yield!"

Pushing his brother aside Thor caught Mjolnir and then gestured for you to stand beside him. After regaining his balance Loki turned back around and gave you and his brother a smile with his hands up. Before he could even get a chance to explain himself a man with markings on his head ran to the front of the crowd, clearly out of breath. You didn't know who he was, but his armor meant he was most likely a soldier. "Behold! Thor... Odinson."

Loki snapped his fingers to silence him and raised his finger. "No. You had one job. Just the one." The poor guy didn't have time to defend himself as Loki turned back to Thor and you.

"Where's Odin?" Thor asked his brother.

"You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering," Loki gestured towards the crowd, "You've ruined everything. Ask them."

"You seriously didn't think you could keep up the charade forever, right?" You told the trickster.

"It worked on you," he responded with a grin.


Next to you, Thor had become impatient and advanced on his brother who was forced to back up on the lounge chair. "Where's father? Did you kill him?"

"You had what you wanted; you had the independence you asked for!" Loki answered sounding frightened.

"Really should just tell him what he wants," you shouted at him.

"Or what?" Thor, in response, pressed Mjolnir on to Loki's chest. "Ow-ow-ow! Alright! I know exactly where he is."

"Where?" his brother asked.


You shook your head in disappointment, "Of course."

A/N: Next chapter will definitely be longer due to a new character 😉

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now