Too Late

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The Avengers were going towards Peter before he even had time to call them. The second his suit came online, Tony was alerted, and he rushed to find him.

"Parker!" Tony shouted as he landed a few feet away from him. The quinjet was behind him, but he hadn't had the patience to travel with the rest of the team.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter was relieved to see him too. "(Y/N) he-"

"Did he hurt you?" Tony asked as he checked the teen for any injuries.

"No! He helped me escape!"

Tony opened his helmet and looked shocked. "Why?"

"He remembered me! He remembered everything!"

Tony grinned and started looking around. "Where is he then? Is he with you?"

Peter's excitement faded as he remembered what had happened with you. "He didn't come with me. He was trapped, and I think that doctor took him."

"Do you know where he is now?"

Peter pointed behind him. "There's a base a mile that way. It took me forever to find a signal once I got out."

Tony noticed the team landing nearby. "Okay, Friday is going to put the quinjet on autopilot and take you back to the compound."

"I want to help (Y/N)!"

"I know, kid, but your aunt is worried. Go home, and I promise I'll call you as soon as we bring (Y/N) home."

Peter nodded and boarded the quinjet after a few other Avengers expressed how happy they were to see him. Once the jet was out of sight, everyone regrouped, and Tony told them what Peter said.

"There's no point in trying to keep the element of surprise," Steve reasoned. "Abbott knows that Peter got free, which means he knows we're coming. We just have to act fast."

"Then there's no point in waiting around." Tony closed his helmet, but Steve stopped him from leaving.

"Wait, Stark! We still need a plan!"

"I have a plan," Tony pushed him aside. "I plan to kick some ass."

Tony took off, and the others just shrugged before joining him. They hoped they could get to you on time.

You were wishing the same thing as Abbott had you hooked up to the MSM. You fought hard against the restraints, but you weren't making a dent.

"I've given you too many chances," Abbott sneered at you. "This time, we're starting from scratch."

"What happened to all the plans you had for me?" you asked bitterly. "What happened to that future you were so fond of?"

Abbott shook his head, the bandage on his broken nose giving you a bit of satisfaction. "It was hopeful thinking. At the end of the day, everyone was right, you're nothing more than a lab rat, an animal."

He walked up to the controls, and this time, he displayed no hesitation. He pulled the switch, and soon the sounds of the machine were drowned out by the sound of your screaming once again. The pain was ten times worse than before.

"Sir, the Avengers are here," an agent told him.

The doctor watched you wither in pain and snapped out of his anger for a moment. He frowned, but the feeling of remorse wasn't great enough to make him stop. "Keep them busy. We might still have time to finish my experiment."

"They're coming down full force," the agent argued. "They'll be down here in an hour at most."

"It'll be too late by then."


A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it and Happy Thursday to those who don't.

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now