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You picked yourself off the ground and jumped on the Hulk's back. He roared as your claws dug into his back and your teeth bit into his shoulder.

Hulk stomped everything in his path as he struggled. Finally, he just slammed his back against a wall, forcing you off him.

"Why friend hurt Hulk?" Hulk asked, sounding angry and a bit hurt. You struggled to pick yourself up from the impact.

Thor quickly interjected before the Hulk decided to hurt you too badly. "Hulk, buddy! Your back! Long time no see!"

"Small friend being mean."

"Small friend is sick," Thor quickly told him. "He doesn't mean it. Right (Y/N)." You merely growled at the god as you got back up.

The rest of the team stood around in awe at the fact you were still getting up and that the Hulk seemed so lucid. He was having a conversation with Thor and was able to recognize you. It seemed he must have changed somehow during his time in space.

"Hulk help, friend." Ignoring Thor's protests, Hulk grabbed you by your collar, lifting you off the ground. Annoyed, you slashed at him with your claws but couldn't reach him.

Tony walked up to the Hulk cautiously. "Hey, big man. Do you remember me?"

"Yes," Hulk huffed at him.

"Good... Why don't you follow me, and we'll take (Y/N) somewhere safe."

Hulk squinted at him. "Put friend in cage?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"No cage." Hulk put you back down, making everyone shout.

Now free, you realized you were no match for the green giant. Instead, you started running down the hall, away from everyone.

"Catch him before he hurts someone!"

Wanda was out of commission from the head injury you had given her. And Pietro refused to leave her side. Thor stayed with Tony and Rhodey as they tried to stop the Hulk from going on a rampage of his own. That left Loki, Bucky, Clint, and Natasha to chase after you.

Sam and Steve had evacuated the staff from the building and had Friday shut down the other sections so you wouldn't run into anyone else. Except for them.

With his shield, Steve slammed into you. You stumbled back, but it didn't do much besides pissing you off.

"Watch out, Cap!" Natasha shouted. Steve moved out the way as she tossed a taser disk at you.

It attached itself to your neck, causing an electric shock to go through your body. You growled at the pain, but you didn't go down. The obedience disks in Sakaar made this one feel like a joke. You ripped it off of you and slashed the air, warning them to back up.

"Forgive me for this (Y/N)," Loki told you. With a snap of his fingers, multiple clones of himself surrounded you. You started picking them off one by one, but Loki kept making more.

The distraction didn't last long as you found the real Loki. You slashed him, your claws catching his side. The god's illusions disappeared as he backed away from you, bleeding.

Bucky and Steve then charged at you with all their strength. You fell roughly to the ground, and Bucky took the opportunity to put you in a chokehold.

Clint, who had found the sedatives, injected it in your neck, but you kept struggling in Bucky's hold. Steve had to help him hold you down.

"How strong was that dose?" Sam asked.

"It should be strong enough to knock out a bear," the archer told him.

Bucky tightens his grip on you. "It's not working!"

"His metabolism is probably burning through it faster."

"Did you guys catch him?" Tony asks, running into the room.

"Go get some restraints," Clint instructed him. "Make sure they're reinforced."

"Should we try another sedative?" Natasha asked. Tony wouldn't be able to put on the restraints if you were thrashing around like this.

"Worth a shot."

Steve moves aside so Clint can get a better angle, but by doing so he freed your legs. You kicked the archer and then slammed the back of your head against Bucky. He lost his hold on you as blood started to gush from his nose.

Now free, you ran towards a window, the glass shattering as you slammed into it. You ignored the sound of your team calling your name and ran into the woods surrounding the compound.

"I got the restraints," Tony announced, running into the room. He looked around for you, but all he saw was his teammates' shocked expressions. "Did I miss something?"

Your team immediately sent out search parties looking for you, but you just kept running. Your body was on autopilot, and you didn't have a destination.

When you made it a few miles away from the compound, you heard something nearby. You couldn't see anything but a familiar scent made you growl.

"I knew I would find you."

You turn, and Dr. Abbott grinned while he took in your appearance. "Look at you all riled up. I bet you gave those Avengers hell." You snarl at him, but he doesn't flinch.

"I'm sorry I had to do this to you, son. But you forced my hand." Abbott pressed a device in his hand, and you screamed as your head started pounding.

You pressed your hands over your ears and fell to the ground. You were quickly surrounded by Hydra agents as some of them heavily restrained you.

By the time the pain went away, you couldn't move your arms and legs. There was also some sort of muzzle over your mouth, not allowing you to move your jaw.

"Take him away before the Avengers come," Abbott ordered. The agents not so gently dragged you away.

One of them approached Abbott. "Why not just kill him now? You already have others like him."

The doctor glared at him for even suggesting it. "He's too valuable to kill. The years and resources I invested in making him perfect would go to waste."

"What are you going to do with him then?"

"I'm going to whip him back into shape."

He hopped in the passenger seat of the truck you were put in and turned to the driver. "When we get back, have someone start up the memory suppression machine. I'll be needing it soon."

A/N: I had a sudden burst of productivity, so I guess it's a triple update now.

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now