Testing you

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"Are we going on a field trip? I like field trips, where are we going? Can I go to the bathroom, I gotta piss."

That's it, Natasha was officially gonna kill you. Fury ordered her and Clint to transport you to the training deck for an evaluation of some sorts, but you hadn't shut up the whole way there. Clint would just laugh, especially when Nat would glare at you.

"Just go inside," You were too busy talking you failed to notice you had stopped in front of a door. It slid open and inside was just a plain empty white room.

Natasha pushed you, not so gently, into the room and left the briefcase from earlier by the door before it closed behind you

"Hey! You forgot to uncuff me!" You knocked on the door the best you could,"What the fuck am I supposed to do an a empty room while handcuffed."

"Figure it out," said a voice, belonging to the famous black widow, it echoed in the room most likely coming from some hidden speakers. She was definitely trying to get back at you for annoying her earlier.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the briefcase, you crouched down to open it and grab its contents. The three vials of animal blood and three syringes, you could work with this.

"Whatcha doing there buddy?" That was definitely Barton. You rolled your eyes as you snapped the handcuffs and massaged your aching wrists. It would take more than just those to restrain you.

"Were you able to do that the whole time?" Clint asked trying to not sound shocked at the fact you just easily broke free of your restraints.

"Yes, but that's what happens when you've been tested by a group of maniacs trying to recreate captain America," Those bastards thought they could duplicate the serum with animal DNA, this method was extremely painful but the results did not disappoint.

"Great another super solider," you don't know who's voice that is, that means someone else is with Black widow and Hawkeye.

"So hey, how exactly am I supposed to show off my skills if I got no opponents? Are they like invisible or something," Of course you were being sarcastic, who could blame you, you haven't done anything fun since you got here. You were itching for a fight.

"You're in luck (l/n), we got some agents to volunteer on your assessment," as Natasha spoke the door opened and four agents walked in.

They all looked like they practically lived at the gym. You couldn't tell if their face expressions meant they were angry or constipated, maybe both. Were you scared tough? Nah.

"Well which one of you would like to go first, or do you want this to be a group effort? Come on guys, let's have some fun," they all glanced at each other before surrounding you.

You took a second to look at your opponents and see what you were up against. They all held a stun baton, and from the looks of it one touch could disable an average man.

Lion, tiger or bull, what would be the best choice in this situation. Lion. You close your eyes as you feel the familiar sting of the needle in your arm, your opponents wait for signal either from you or your audience to attack.

What they weren't waiting for was to see your nails grow like claws that could easily tear through their clothes, your canines were larger and sharper, and your eyes started glowing yellow.

The four men surrounding you took a couple steps back, they should have asked what they were signing up for. The bravest or stupidest one lunged at you first.

You side stepped to the right, dodging his attack. You managed to grab a hold of his arm and collar, you picked him up and easily threw him across the room without effort. You had done the same thing to Natasha when you first meet, but she had put up more of a fight.

"Who's next."

_________time skip, cause I can_______

"That was..."Steve was at a lost for words.

"Impressive," Tony finished. The Avengers had just witnessed you take down four opponents while being shocked enough times to knock you on your ass, but you looked like you could do it all over again. Your stamina matched that of Captain America and of the winter solider, and you were as strong as a lion.

You've been shot, stabbed, whipped, and beaten before and on many occasions. A couple of shocks were nothing to you, except that time Cap hit you in the face with his shield and knocked you out cold, that you didn't want relive.

"He's perfect," Fury stated getting shocked looks from everyone. "Avengers, meet your new teammate."

"Woah, woah! His fighting skills are impressive, I'll admit that, but he's hydra! How can we trust him?" Tony wasn't just speaking for himself, everyone was thinking the same thing. How could Fury trust someone they knew so little about?

"That's why he's perfect, he could be a new source of information. Barnes doesn't remember much and what he does is old and useless, no offense," Bucky shrugged," Plus it wouldn't hurt to keep him as an asset, and I won't be monitoring him, you will."

"I'm okay with it," everyone stared at the source. Bruce, who hadn't said a word the whole time, was the last person they expected to agree.

"Why's that?," Natasha asked him but he never took his eyes off the screen showing what you were doing in the other room, which was poking the unconscious agents and taking five bucks from one.

"I'm curious about his... condition. If he comes back with us I can observe him closer, plus if he tries anything we'll be right there to stop him," Not everyone was happy with the idea but thanks to Fury it's not like they had a choice.

"Who's telling him the good news?" Clint said out loud. Tony already had the mic.

"Guess what loser," You looked around the empty room confused,"you're now an Avenger. Congratulations, but if you try anything Cap will knock you out again."

Why aren't you as trilled as you should be?

Animal instincts Avengers x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now