So What Will It Be?

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An emergency meeting was called and even non-Avengers were invited to sit in. The topic was about what would happen to you next. Everyone sat around a large table discussing.

Would you stay here and get help not only from Tony and Bruce but also from the Sorcerer Supreme? Would you go to Wakanda where T'Challa had his brightest scientist waiting on standby? Or would you go to Asgard, where they were willing to use their best resources?

"I don't see how this is a debate," Valkyrie said as she stood behind Thor's chair. She hadn't wanted to come to Earth because there was still a lot to do back in Asgard, but when she heard you needed help she was willing to come to aid a friend. "Our healers would be able to do so much more than your Midgardian technology."

"The journey might be too risky for them," Bruce argued, although he was glad to see his friend he couldn't agree with her on this. "Taking them to Asgard might put them under a lot of stress."

"Not to mention you won't be able to treat his memories," T'Challa interjected. "Wakanda has a track record of helping those in a similar position." He gestured towards Bucky who nodded in agreement.

"We're telling you that moving them might be a risk," Tony insisted. "We can treat him here just fine. Strange has even offered to help fix his head with a spell."

Dr. Strange nodded. "It'll be tricky, but—"

"How much can we depend on magic?" Steve interrupted. "I think Wakanda is our best bet. T'Challa has been kind enough to open his doors to us and I think we should—"

"Why not let (Y/N) decide?" Thor asked, grabbing everyone's attention.

"He's not in a position to make that decision," Natasha told him.

"He had a moment of lucidity. Why not wait for another one?"

"We don't know when that'll happen next."

"We can try recreating the events."

Bruce seemed intrigued by Thor's suggestion but didn't know how well that would work. "You want to stress him out with the sound and then have Wanda knock him out?"

"I do not want to harm him but it's worth a try."

Not everyone was happy with the experiment but like Thor said, it's worth a try and it was their best shot at letting you have a say in the matter.

So just as before, Tony turned on the sound in the speakers and made you listen to it for a solid minute before Wanda soothed your pain and you passed out. You then slept for an excruciating long hour before you woke up.

"(Y/N)...," Wanda said softly. "Can you understand me?"

You slowly opened your eyes and stumbled to your feet. You heard Wanda's voice but for some reason you were having a harder time focusing your eyes on her.

"Relax. Take your time. I just want you to nod if you understand what I'm saying."

You looked around the cage and when you remembered where you were you looked back at Wanda and nodded.

"Good. Now we don't know how long your lucid state is going to last so we're going to do this quickly. Do you think you can keep up?"

You once again nodded.

Steve then stepped up to explain what was happening. "Okay, we all have a way for you to get back to normal, but we want you to choose. Do you want to take your treatment in Asgard, Wakanda, or stay on Earth? No matter what you choose, we'll do our best to help you."

You looked around the room and let out a low whine, but it wasn't out of sadness. For once you were filled in a room full of people who cared about you. They weren't doing this because it benefited them, they were doing it for you. Your friends and family were rallying together to help you and the thought was overwhelming.

"Are you ready to choose?" Steve asked.

You looked around once more as everyone broke off into groups. You thought it over for a long time before walking up to one of them and scratched on the wall of your cage.

"Okay, (Y/N) is going to–"


A/N: So what will it be? Will you go to:



Stay on Earth
    (No love interest)

I'll write a super long chapter for all five endings but if you think I should add one (cough Loki & Bucky ending cough) put it in the comments then I'll consider it. Is it obvious I'm a people pleaser?

Sadly once these chapters come out it will mean the end for this fic. It's bittersweet but I think it's for the best. I'll be able to focus on Street Magic.(Also fuck I started this fic when I was in highschool and I'm going to get my bachelors next year. That's fucking crazy!)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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