14. Plush mallows

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You had alway liked plush mallows. You had a lot and you kept them in your bed while sleeping.

Every morning you'd have to get up make your bed and keep the Plush mallows in place. It was fine and you were ok with it for a few months. But, it was now getting boring, taking up most of the bed space and was a tiering task to do daily. Corpse, Your boyfriend was more emotional attached to these Plush mallows than you were. You thought of keeping them in a closet forever but.... your closet had no space for them either.

You kept a stone on your heart and......... threw them away.. but you kept the expensive ones of course and a few of Corpse favourite ones.

Corpse was disappointed in you and for their protection he took his favourite ones home.

Months later the Plush mallows were returned for the same reasons.

This is a bit different than the other stories that I write but I wanted to try this style out where its just POV no lines for any characters. Usually ill give them dialogues but not this time. This way if I have like an idea but I have procrastinated I can just shorten the chapter to this format. Hope you liked it. I know its short but its something new and I did procrastinate. Also thank you for 3k read means everything.
Bye :).

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