13. Words To Live By.

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On top of the peaceful roof of George's apartment complex, sat the two lovers. The wind continues to blow against them, it's a bone chilling kind of cold. So much though, that after a lot of convincing, George had finally accepted to wear Dream's jacket.

Craving for -at least- a little bit of warmth, they scoop closer to each other. But truly, non of them really cared about the cold, they enjoyed every second they could spend together nowadays. George lays his head on Dream's lap as he feels him run his fingers through his hair.

George calmly spoke about a book he had read, exited to tell someone else about the heartbreaking but beautiful story. Dream, however, wasn't really focusing on the spoken words. His pulse is rising, but in a good way. It made him feel like he was being cared for, as if George would do anything for him. It was the feeling of belonging and comfort that he had always felt when he happened to be around George.

Looking back at it, it made sense. They we're long lost childhood friends after all. Had he taken a better look at the details, he could've known sooner that they used to be friends. George knows his way around town, even though he just moved here. There are plenty of other clues that both boys failed to notice, since their eyes would rather be locked on each other that their surroundings. A proud smile appears on Dream's face as he glances at him. How is he real?

The sudden silence made Dream look down at George again. It seemed as if he wasn't being his usual self, along with that, he has gone all quiet. "Are you okay?" Dream softly asked as plays with his dark brown hair. After another silence, followed another question, "What's on your mind?"

"...What made you stop talking?" George finally asked, interrupting Dream's never ending thoughts. He sat straight up to take a better look at Dream. His confusion across his face probably kept him from rambling. It was as if he didn't expect the question, even though he knew it would be asked eventually.

''If it's too hard to tell, take it slow." The brunet said in an attempt to fill and lighten the tensed silence, "I just want to know what hurt you and what I can do to help." At that, Dream gave in.

"Their name was Cody, my older brother. Dream started, his voice was remarkably confident for someone who had never told this story to anyone. "Well...they -were- my favorite person. They were like- you know, when you heard your favourite song for the first time. That's close to describing how their personality was." Dream tries to explain as he nervously fidgets with his fingers and rings.

(They/them pronouns for Cody, besties.)

"They had-" His sentence gets interrupted by soft chuckles, "This bright dyed pink hair. God, it looked so funny." George nods and briefly smiles as he notices the amount of love that Dream has for those who he cares for.

Dream stared into the distance as his chuckle died down. "I was eleven at the time of the event, they were seventeen. I had no idea how bad it actually was, no one had."

"The 3rd of December..." George whispered, thinking out loud and thereby filling in Dream's -yet to be spoken- sentence.

He paused and tried to look at George without breaking down, but his trembling voice had already betrayed him. "Pain was an adrenaline rush for Cody. It made them feel alive..." He began, rethink his words as he was saying them. "They jumped off  buildings, going higher each time. It seriously injured them."

George didn't dare to say a thing, but figured that it was the reason why Dream was scared of heights. "...Typical teenage behavior, right?" Dream swallowed, the tone in his voice made it clear that whatever it was, wasn't going to end well.

The sadness in his voice made his George look at him. Dream's teary eyes finally showed how much it had been bothering him. "It keeps playing on repeat in my mind and it won't stop..." Dream whispered and slightly hunched over.

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