14. Fool Me, Twice.

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'I love you too.'

Dream thought, the words melted into his brain. George said it back, he actually loves me too. It's such a heart-melting thought of possibly being together for the rest of our lives. I feel myself when I'm around George. Something that I've never experienced with anyone else. The blonde hasn't stopped smiling. And even now, thirty five minutes later, his heart is still skipping beats. He walks down the cobblestone street, knowing that his house is another good fifteen minutes away.

This side of town is a lot more quiet. Cars are locked up in garages and surroundings are only lit up by the -almost dying- lights of the streetlights. The majority of the owners of these houses are elders, people who tend to sleep before the clock ticks past 10 p.m. The lag of proper service just adds up to that -unreal and indescribable- feeling. Nevertheless, Dream adored this place.

His attention gets drawn to his phone. The ringing interrupted the never ending silence.
Honestly, he was surprised that his phone even managed to find a little bit of service. Dream answered the phone but kept quiet. He waited for George to speak first.

"Hii, are you home?" His voice stuttered. Not because George was nervous, but because the phone was lagging.

Dream smiled at the hint of worry audible in George's voice "No not yet, I'm still walking." He replied as he kicked against snow. There was a pause and Dream stopped walking. "Is there something wrong?" George nodded, but this was an invisible movement for Dream, who was on the other side of the phone. "I was just wondering how long it would take you." George finally spoke.

"Is that the only reason why you called?" Dream mumbled while kneeling down and drawing a heart in the fresh snow. I have never felt this way about anyone...

"No... It's not. I couldn't muster the strength to tell you in person. And I hate doing it like this but there is no other way. Whenever I look into your eyes, I can't imagine how much the words will break you. Will you still love me the same when I tell you what has been bothering me?" George's breath shook as his eyes darted to the opposite side of the room. Seamus firmly nodded, hoping that George would finally be honest and not chicken out.

George tried to read the words he had written down on a paper, but he couldn't. Perhaps it was because of his shaking hands, or his teary eyes, George honestly couldn't tell. "A while back, your mother offered me a deal. I'd receive money for being... Well- pretending to be your friend." George stuttering caused him to mess up some words and he shut down once again.

Sea sighed and moved his hands into a rotating motion, trying to sign; 'Go on...'
George did so as Dream remains dead-silent. "At first, I didn't care about it in the slightest. You seemed as much as a stranger to me as I did to you. But then I got to know you, I saw a side of you that was hidden from everyone else. You're such a pure person... And I took advantage of that." George rambled, getting distracted from what he was actually trying to say. If it wasn't for Seamus to stop him by throwing a pillow, he would probably still be talking about Dream for the next couple of hours.

"What I'm trying to say, Clay, is that I signed a contract, that I messed up our future because of a stupid signature. I fell for you, hard. I love you dearly and...' George had to pause as a tear rolls down his cheek, "And I'm always here waiting for you, and I understand that you might not want to see me anymore. But please take your time to process rather than leave for good... I don't want to loose you." He attempted to explain, happy to finally got this off his chest. Seamus smiled and gave George a thumbs up. He -too- was glad that he told him. Dream deserved to know the truth after all this time.

"Wait what?" Dream spoke in a irritated tone. George let out a terrified sigh, ready to take all the hateful words he deserved to hear. "George hello? Can you hear me?"  Dream called out again, "Hello? Are you still there?" George frowned by hearing Dream's words, his eyes immediately shot up to Sea's.

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