15. All Because Of A Goddamn Signature.

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Many people hate the winter. They think it's too cold, too dark.

Perhaps they dislike the sadness it brings along with it. But honestly, it's calming. Going on a late night walk. There is no noise and the sky is pitch black. The air is fresh, perfectly cold to make your hands turn red and shiver. It gives you time to think.

To think about George, for example. You only know how much you care about someone when they're gone. When time has run out and it's too late. It made Dream miss someone he knows he will never have back... George made him feel things Dream didn't even know he could feel, but had it all been scripted?

With his hands trembling from the cold, he reached into his pocket and grabbed the fumbled paper. A sigh left his lips, eyes scanning the words on the signed paper once again.

'Where would you go, if you had to leave all of the sudden?' He remembers asking George. 'That's a good question. I think I wouldn't go far. Probably a few states over.' George's words fill his mind and he starts walking into the direction of the train station. The walk was quick, and the train arrived shortly after Dream got there. There is a small change that he will find George, but he is willing to try.

Sleep deprived, he started looking. Searching in a big city where everyone looked like him if you didn't pay enough attention. Or that was just caused by the lag of sleep, Dream couldn't even come up with answers anymore.

A guy that was crossing the road caught his eye. He looked familiar and when he slightly turned to look at a friend, Dream understood why, "Sapnap!"

The boy spins around. Almost as soon as Sapnap's eyes hit him, his own eyes dart away behind him, looking directly at Karl. 'Oh hey, Dream.' Sapnap awkwardly chuckled, 'What are you doing here?'

Dream paused when he noticed Sapnap's behavior, he seemed nervous. "Have you heard anything from George? That idiot hasn't answered me, I can't get in touch with him." He could feel hope bloom insidle of him, Sapnap is George's best friend, after all. "It's like he just vanished without a trace to follow."

''What-'' Sapnap tried to interrupt but, Dream quickly spoke over his quiet voice. "Can you try to call George. This is nothing like him, he would never just leave me-"

'Who is George?' Sapnap asked.

Dream froze, his expression changing as his heart sunk in his chest. 'Dream? Bro, are you okay?' Sapnap asked while squeezing his shoulder, 'He isn't real, he never was.'

"What do you mean he was never real?" Dream muttered, confusion written all over his face. Karl pulled Sapnap back, taking over the conversation. 'He's an Imaginary friend, made up by your own mind.' Dream tried to interrupt, but Karl quickly spoke over him, 'Staying with him is impossible. It's a fantasy you're stuck in!'

Dream's breaths got stuck in throat as reality started to kick in. These two men aren't Sapnap and Karl but two total strangers. They seem to be in their mid-thirties, their expressions just as confused as Dream's. "Sir, are you alright?" One of them politely asks as he notices Dream's wide eyes. But Dream's vision is getting darker and his head is spinning. Without another word, he backs away and starts walking the opposite direction.

The whole time he had been loving an imagination, created by his own needs...


Being deadly close to slam his head against the wall, Dream refrained from doing so and reached for his phone, waiting for him to pick up. "Dad. I need your help." Dream's voice shook, "Please. I'm not crazy." He whispered.

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