16. The Worst Kind Of Betrayal.

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December 2nd, 01:59 a.m.

24 hours left.

"Sapnap?" George frowned as he opened the door, disappointed and confusion written on his face. "I thought you were Dream for a second..." George signed.

Karl appears behind him, a firm -but somewhat soft- expression, "We have to talk." George swallowed nervously but had no chance to say anything. "Oh believe me, we're gonna." Sapnap spoke. He grabbed George's shoulders and pushed him along, making their way into Seamus's apartment.

"You're going to sit down and be obedient. I don't want to hear a word coming from your mouth until we're done talking." Sapnap demanded while pushing George down on the couch. He is furious and the reason has yet to be discovered.

Sapnap angrily started phasing through the room but didn't break eye contact with George for a second. Karl notices the tension and steps in. "Go easy on him, Sapnap." He snapped back, concerned about both Sapnap's insanity and George's feelings.

A faint chuckle left Sapnap's mouth, but it wasn't caused by joy. It as if the boy had gone insane about god knows what. "What do you mean go easy on him? He is-" Sapnap scoffed and ignored his half finished sentence to turn to George again. "I expected this shit from Seamus but not from you."

"What? What are you talking about?" George frowned and anxiously exhaled, his nails digging into the fabric of the couch. "I can't fucking stand you. From what I learned, Dream was in a very vulnerable position and you pretended to love him?? Playing with someone's feelings like that?" Sapnap asked, his anger audible in his voice.

"You disgust me." Even though Sapnap was was rough on him, George admires him for doing so.

Karl sat down next to George, took George's hand that was digging into the sofa and placed it in his. He had picked up on the anxious habit and hoped his silent comfort would calm him.

"Seamus was hired, too. He was the one to attack Dream... And Quackity and I were the ones to stop him." Sapnap explained.

"I know... Wilbur told me." Karl looks up in surprise at George's words, "Then why are you still staying at his apartment?" Karl question. He has a point. "To help George, you know that Karl. Now do you mind being quiet and letting me finish the story?" Sapnap hissed. That shut both of them down in a matter of seconds. And so, he continued; "After a few conversations with Seamus, we learned that Dream's mother chose to hire you because you matched the description of a drawing."

"... A drawing?" George immediately reached for his phone, remembering the picture he once took. He handed his phone to Karl, who zoomed in on it. But still, Sapnap didn't give a damn about the picture, he only had one question.

Karl could already sense the mean words Sap was about to throw at George, it was visible in his eyes. "I told you to go easy on him." Karl flashed Sapnap a look before he could say anything, which immediately changed his behavior a bit. Sapnap knelt down in front of George to look at him with the same eye level. "Why didn't you tell him? Why weren't you honest?" He asked, and for the first time in this conversation, he spoke calmly.

"I wanted to, I was trying to explain it to him." George had a difficult time forming sentences, but the pair of eyes in front of him made him determined to carry on. "... I tried to take my time, because I didn't know how to tell him. I ended up telling him over the phone and-..."

Sapnap waited, but George's answer never came. And so he repeated the last spoken word. "... And?" George sighed in defeat, "His phone lagged, and he ended up not hearing any of it." Sapnap stud up again, visibly distressed. "God, I don't have enough middle fingers to show you how I feel." He groaned, "That's why I brought Karl along."

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