Chapter 1

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Burnstar (Lead)

Rockfur (Dep)

Mousebrush (Med)

Brushpaw (Med App)

Riverrun (Warrior)

Cavesight (Warrior)

Ravennight (Warrior)

Smalltail (Warrior)

Wolfheart (Warrior)

Fishleap (Queen)

Windfur (Elder)

Mollypelt (Elder)

Rushpaw (App)

Stripepaw (App)

Rabbitkit (Kit)

Evenkit (Kit)

Mosskit (Kit)


Willowstar (Lead)

Swampfoot (Dep)

Reedleaf (Med)

Mushroompaw (Med app)

Woodcoat (Warrior)

Duckbill (Warrior)

Creekwilt (Warrior)

Riverweed (Warrior)

Dotbelly (Warrior)

Flyfur (Warrior)

Stingtail (Warrior)

Fleettwitch (Warrior)

Silkpelt (Queen)

Shadefoot (Queen)

Elderrun (Elder)

Greenfoot (Elder)

Tinypaw (App)

Darkpaw (App)

Cattailkit (Kit)

Heronkit (Kit)

Leafkit (kit)


Oakstar (Lead)

Silverstripe (Dep)

Pumpkinpelt (Med)

Jaypaw (Med app)

Colliecrystal (Warrior)

Juniperfur (Warrior)

Eagleclaw (Warrior)

Whistleoak (Warrior)

Coldscar (Warrior)

Rabbitleap (Warrior)

Thrushfur (Warrior)

Flowerdapple (Queen)

Leafwhisper (Queen)

Lightpaw (App)

Robinpaw (App)

Brownkit (Kit)

Bearkit (Kit)

Snowkit (Kit)

Fernkit (kit)

Nightkit (kit)

Longkit (Kit) (Will be longtail as a warrior)


Blossomstar (Lead)

Swiftwind (Dep)

Grassdapple (Med)

Lionpaw (Medapp)

Birdfall (Warrior)

Stonecall (Warrior)

Whitecloud (Warrior)

Leapordspot (Warrior

Oceanheart (Warrior)

Sunflowerpelt (Queen)

Longwhisker (Queen)

Morningdew (Elder)

Molepaw (App)

Dovepaw (App)

Shrewpaw (App)

Butterflykit (Kit)

Daisykit (Kit)

Rabbitkit (Kit)

Smallkit (Kit)

Blueheart was below Sun-rock waiting for the Leader to appear so that they could start the apprentice ceremony. Cloudvine and her apprentice, Pumpkinpaw were already there. His apprentice, Meadowpaw, was sitting there, waiting for the clan leader to come to sit on Sun-rock. His eyes were glittering with excitement as he saw Rosestar. The Leader was settling on Sun-rock, getting ready for the ceremony.

"Cats of Mountainclan, I, Rosestar, will call our apprentices to become new, loyal warriors," stated the great Mountainclan Leader. "I will start with Whistlepaw, she will now be known as Whistleoak. I know that Starclan will approve and honour this young warrior. She has been trained well." Blueheart watched as Whistleoak touched noses with her mentor. She was happy and looked very excited. He watched as she settled and sat back down. "Meadowpaw, you shall be known as Meadowshade. I know that StarClan will approve of and honour you." Rosestar meowed with pride of her new warriors. Blueheart could tell that she approved of them herself. He touched noses with Meadowshade as Rosestar said, "That is all for today, clan dismissed." Blueheart went to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a plump vole. The fresh-kill pile was low right now, so he took the smallest amount of food he could. As he was about to take a bite, he saw Meadowshade run toward him.

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