Chapter 2

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3 moons later, he had made a rogue clan, called 'Brokenclan'. Filled with all of the exiled cats and ones that have chosen to leave and have no way back. Coldscar was the leader. And in his clan, he had the most honour, he chose what the cats did!He finally had a purpose!9 moons after that, he decided to return to camp. He entered the entrance and was immediately tacked by a blur of deep-orange fur. It growled at him ferociously and held him down, no matter how much he fought. He thought he recognized the cat."Pumpkinpelt?""Get out. NOW.""What? No! I came to see you!""You know what, I'm getting the leader. She'll know what to do with you. OAKSTAR!"The last part was shouted. The leader came trotting over and Coldscar gasped when he saw her."Oakfeather?""Oakstar." said the leader. Coldscar gasped. All he could remember about Oakfeath- no, Oakstar, was her beautiful kits. 3 of them. Jaykit, Lightkit, and Robinkit."H-hi, Oakstar. How are your kits?""That's not for you to know. Now follow me. I have something to show you."

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