Wanna hug boi??

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How do you right a y/n story??????????????????/

witch would you prefer first or second person?????

i'm gon' keep switchin' 'till someone tells me  bro.


OKAY LETS START HERE! (Y/n) here! just your average everyday gurl (18 doe (Cause LEgal ReaSOnS)). I wear BIG hoodies and jeans with tennsisb dsyshoes, myes, I also get like avege grade in my classes or like whatever. But im also REALLLLLYYYYY Quarky!!!!! I like anime and fan fiction (but not this one) (A/N- oi no breaking the fourth wall its expensive). Yuo know my life is pretty NORmaL, Ecept the fact that my dad went missing like a frickin' year ago or somthin' idk. 

So Imma be SoOOooOOOOOOOo smurt and look for him in an abandond wearhousr Liek a smurt person!!!!!!!!!.

SO off I go to this random ware house my dad used to work at, call playtime co or something idk.  (A/N- absolutely no research went into this) I walk into le abandomed building and the first I do is look at atrain , for NO ApaREnt reason other than just BeCaUsE. AND THEN I FOUND THE BEST BACKPACK EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER (okay no more- Author)

Oh wOULd yoU lOok At thAt a keypad with COLORS ON IT, lets press the colors that were on le colorful train. *suprised pikachu face* It worked?! WOW. 

So then with my me smurts in place I pull my (h/c) hair away from my face a continue with my grabpack, or whatever it is. I walk into another room (obviously) and some big bule furry creater with a wide grin on its face is staring at me. Well thats weird, but whatever, so I try to find a way to another room but- OH NO, all the doors are locked, what do now!!!???!?!?! I turn around to leave but then I see the blue thing has a fricken yellow key. Thats cool but how did it get there????? meh whatever. So I unlicked the yeelllow door and contiued on my way, did somereconecting with random wires, then left. But WHATS THIS, HUGGY WUGGYS GONE!??!?!??! (A: w-when did you learn its name?  Y/n: DON'T QUESTION ME!!!!!) I didnt think much of it and continued on, maybe my imagination.

A-- little did you know that a huge blue creature was actually stalking you from behind.

Th-this actually hurts to look at help me ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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