Ask & Dare 3

109 6 129

Hello guys! :D

Is it funny/concerning on the fact when I started my first book I got like 90 views on the first 3(?) weeks or smt and now for this book I already get 200 views after like 3 weeks?

I find that funny.

Well probably the people here COME from the other ask & dare which is the reason why its so much? Idk-

Sorry if this wasn't posted yesterday- It was meant to be posted yesterday but some things got in my way.

Lets start anyways :D

Error's finished with be 'nice' with Dream and Ink.

Alpha has finished his messing around people.

Fandom is back from being sad. 

Fell and Classic don't need to deal with any switching bottles.

Nightmare and Shattered are still stuck in a room.

Geno and Reaper are still handcuffed together.

Oh and Nightmare doesn't look like passive self anymore.


Error: FINALLY! I hate doing the sh*t anyways! >:(

Ink: You weren't even nice to me :'D

Error: Shut up.


Alpha: Ah yes some relaxation... I should probably give these stuff back-


Fandom: I feel like I've been crying for years my eyes feel weird.



Fell: AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *starts drinking mustard*

Fell: Its been years since I've tried you. 🥺


Nightmare: *doesn't make any contact with Shattered at all*

Shattered: *doesn't do any contact with Nightmare as well.*

Ten Minutes Later

Shattered: Yo.

Nightmare: *turns head around to Shattered*

Nightmare: What.

Shattered: You suck.

Nightmare: And so do you. B*tch.


Geno: >:(

Reaper: :D

Geno: You make me mad. Ù~Ú

Reaper: :'))


Rita: *holding a knife and rope* N I G H T M A R E by WaterKittytheShipper

Nightmare: Wtf?


*Gives ink all types of fancy art paints of every color I can find* by WaterKittytheShipper

Ink: :O



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