Ask & Dare 14

52 5 71




Nick is still baby Nick


Fandom: *feeding Nick*

Nick: BluEh!!! *disapears*

Fandom: *screams in panic*

Ten Minutes Later

Fandom: NiiCK! WhEre Are You BabY!

Fandom: Papa WAnTs To GO hoME and  wants to um *forgets what he was doing*-  TakE CArE of yoU!  🤨🤨🤨😍😍😍💧💧💧

Fandom: HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SON 👺👺👺 *in the middle of an random place*

Fandom: oh God! NICKKY!?

Fandom: Got father's panic-ness kicking in!!!

Fandom: N  I  C  K   Y   !!!👹👹👹👹

Fandom: I       s e  e         e  v e r y         a  u  😥😥😥😥😥

Fandom: EXUCSE ME SIR hAVE you SEen A SmALl CHickEN HE's AboUT This shOrt clearly smart-

Fandom: NICK ARE YOU IN THERE?! *looking in an trashcan*

Fandom: AHH *accidently falls into the trashcan* 

After Fandom's chaos of the search of Nick

Fandom: *in deep calmness now with an baby Nick in his hands*


Can I see the san au's  see if Allie likes them or not? by BunnyKittyGirl

(Sure and thanks for giving me the list of people Allie doesn't like)

Classic: Yo. B)

Allie: Woof! :D

Fell:  >:( ?

Allie: *inserts a smiling dog*

Fell: :   ( ?? ????

Error 404:

Fatal: .. ? *Stares at Allie*

Allie: Grrrr >:(((

Error: *looks at Allie*

Allie: ...Grrrrrr-

Nightmare: Um hi?

Allie: Woof woof! *happy noises*

Nightmare: Uhh???

Dream: :) 

Allie: Wof Wof *happy dog noisses*

Ink:  Hi :D

Allie: *wolf wolf!* :D

Blue: :))

Allie: :0 :))) *happy doggo noises*

Unlust: Hi!! <:)

Allie: Arf! :3

Shattered: *looks at Allie*

Allie: >:(((((( gr...

Shattered: *steps one foot closer to Allie*

Allie: ARF  AFF WOOF ! *bites Shattered's tentacle*

Shattered: Oh f*ck you *Grabs Allie with his other tentacle and yeets Allie at Crystal*

Crystal: Ack! *catches Allie* 

Allie: ARF ArF WOOF D:<

Outer: Hi Allie! :D

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