💖🤍🖤~AfterDeath scene~🖤🤍💖

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I manage to make the chapter! >:D... IN ONE DAY!! :D  An accomplishment I have done shall always be remembered. 

Anygays, this is the ship chapter I was talking about! :D So usually I'll do a cast of votes once or twice in 10 chapters. And whatever wins will be the chosen ship chapter.

I also decided to not do birthday chapters anymore as I figured I might have to be real creative on each thing and I'm kinda bad at that & I can't keep track every san au's character so 😭

So here it is. 

Warnings: Slight cussing(However I use ' *' in some letters of the word), Slight angst(?), flirting & etc if any thing is added that makes you uncomfortable.

Edit: I think there ended up being no angst I guess what I was thinking of doing where Reaper just ends up being real upset and stuff and Geno gets the weird sad tension as he never wanted to make him upset thats what I was going for but nah. 

If you happened to not like these warnings I'd recommend to not read this chapter due to that. 

Btw, I do No One's Pov.


It was a save screen.

All dark however with 1 light in the middle.

In that light there was a skeleton sitting there.

He seemed to be relaxing.

Above the skeleton was some red strings. 

Glitch strings assuming. 

The skeleton chilled there. 

Seems like he was taking his time enjoying the peace.

Too bad that peace won't last long.

Suddenly an different skeleton has appeared.

The skeleton immediately knew someone was here and now knew there was stuff to be dealt with.

The other skeleton was about to reply but was cut of by the skeleton.

"Hey-" the someone was about to say.

"Reaper. Let me guess. Its those dumb little flirts you've plan to say isn't it?" said the sitting skeleton.

Reaper blinked quietly and smiled happily.

"Why of course Geno! How did you know!?" Reaper asked happily.

"Excuse me. You say them everyone time!" Geno said unamused. 

"What can I say?" Reaper said chuckling to himself.

"You don't need to say anything. Just shutting up will do." Geno said.

Reaper just stood quiet pretending he ignored what Geno said.

"ANywayySS -   Look what I found! " Reaper said sitting next to Geno showing Geno something.

Geno scooted a bit further apart from Reaper because he wanted to.

Geno then looked at what Reaper was showing.

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