Happy Birthday Dreamtale 'Brothers'

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Hoi.  B)

I come back with another birthday chapter. 

Because   ~y  e  s ~

It is my treat 😌


Dream was walking around his room getting ready.

Today was an special day. 

It was his and Nightmare's birthday!

He has gotten an present for Nightmare!

Like the sweet brother he was.

Dream was told there would be an party at the doodle sphere. Where Ink has gotten all the decorations and everything ready.

Once Dream got ready he teleported to the doodle sphere.

Everyone was here.

"Happy birthday Dream!" Ink suddenly said walking towards Dream.

"haha thanks!" Dream said.

Dream looked around.

"Where's Nightmare?" Dream asked.

"Oh him- He hasn't came yet." Ink said.

"Oh.." Dream said quietly.

"He hates parties I guess." Ink said.

"That's upsetting." Dream said.

He was upset.

Even though the Nightmare he knew, the sweet, caring, loving, Nightmare he knew. He knew he'd never see that one again.

Now the Nightmare he has.

He was mean, cold, rude, negative.

But that didn't stop Dream from still loving him as an brother.

"Hey I'm gonna go look for him-" Dream said.

"Oh- Alright!" Ink said.

As soon as Dream was about to go look for Nightmare.

Two skeletons appeared.

Both Nightmare who was looking annoyed as f*ck and Cross were there.

"Cross?" Ink asked.

"Yo. " Cross said proudly.

"Nightmare!" Dream said happily going towards Nightmare.

"Oh jeez what do you want?" Nightmare said looking away.

"Hey come on! Its your birthday Nightmare!" Dream said.

Nightmare pouted.

"I don't do birthdays they're an waist of time." Nightmare said.

"Then why are you here.?" Ink said.

Cross looked at Nightmare giving him an little 'Hey you better do what you promise' look.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. 

"I only came because little sh*t wouldn't leave me alone." Nightmare said.

"We made an deal that I will stop annoying him and give him dark choco for an whole month. " Cross said.

"Annoying little sh*t is what you are." Nightmare said.

Dream laughed a bit.

"Hey I got you an present!" Dream said.

Nightmare blinked.

"Present? You really had to get me an present?" Nightmare said.

"Oh come on Nightmare its your birthday!" Dream said.

"Its an waste of time." Nightmare said.

"Just open it." Dream said.

Nightmare then opened the present. 

"Is that my crown?" Nightmare asked.

"Yea! I always had it-" Dream laughed  nervously.

"How you even mannaged to get this?  I thought this was completely destroyed during that incident." Nightmare said.

"About that- " Dream said looking at Ink.

"Well when I sort of freed Dream from being his stone person thing we ended up finding some cool purple gem gleaming  and Dream figured it was yours." Ink said.

"It took a long time to fix the crown.-" Dream said.

Nightmare didn't say anything.

"You waisted your time." Nightmare said.

Dream gave a frown.

"Come on." Dream said taking the crown from Nightmare's hand.

"At least wear this?" Dream asked putting it on Nightmare.

Nightmare just blinked.

"whatever its not like I'm gonna do anything with it." Nightmare said.

"Hey can we cut the birthday cake yet?!" some yell came across the doodle sphere.

"Be patient yall we have an interesting brother moment here and ya act like this?!" Cross yelled.

"That is definitely not an brother moment."  said Error.

"Well it isn't anymore cause of your rude a**-"



*inserts complete happy dancing person with shades on*

I am completed. 

Yes yes.

Ask & Dares are openedddd

Have a good day ☀🌤🌙 my fandoms.

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