Ask & Dare 9

96 4 131

Hola! :D

B) I like food.


Nova is still real real angry because of the red vial they drank.

Epic is still not being memey. (Poor boy)

Ink is free from the white room all though it was real sufferable for him.

There's still an affect where if Error destroys something he gets punched.


Nova: ggGGRrrRrrr >:(((( *smacking an punching bag to release all their anger out*

Fandom: Good thing I stole that punching bag. OvO

Nick: Since when did you steal that?

Fandom: Last week why?


Epic: :( *on the floor bored as f*ck*

Epic: I want to do memessssss. :((

Fresh: Don't worry I will be your company. :)


Ink: *sniff sniff* :( *upset*


Error: O-O *staring at the au's that he's supposed to destroy*


I dare everyone who is reading this to not think of a sans au ship or any ship for the whole day by random_person_slopii

Ok personally I don't do these type of ask & dares-


I like this challenge so why not? 

If you guys lose the challenge you gotta put Lost in the comments on where you failed at. 


I dare Error and Ink to bake cookies and break into an old woman's car and pretend they are her grandchildren by random_person_slopii

Error: What the f*ck? >:/

Ink: :O I would like that! Come on lets bake cookies! :D

Error: NO

Ink: Please.

Error: NO.

Ink: :(

Error: >:(

Ink: *sniff sniff* *sort of fake cries*

Error: EW WHY ArE yoU CryInG !!!

Ink: Because you won't bake cookies with me 🥺🥺🥺

Error: StoP it!

Ink: Then bake cookies with me >:)

Error: FiNE! >:(

 Ink: :D


Ink: WE did it >:D

Error: :/

Ink: Now lets break into an old ladies car with cookies!

Error: I did not agre-

Ink: COME ON! *already gone*



Ink: *see's an car with an old woman in it*

Ink: Lets go! *starts going towards the car*

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