Happy Birthday Error 404

54 3 9

Yes I have done it.

I am     P O O O W W W W   E E E E  E R  R R R R R


By the way for today's chapter, there's not going to be any ask & dares affected part of it-

Cause that just gets in the way of this birthday 🥺

So this chapter everyone is normal.


Error 404 was in his system(Idk what to call it).

He was checking balances, multiverses, and some status.

Things were ok. 

Error 404 sighed as he closed out of his system.

He decided to work on a new voodoo doll based on an new san au.

Usually a new au comes out of no where at the most randomness moments.

Usually when a new au comes, a doll would appear. And Error 404 would have to power it into making him have the ability to control the sans.

He barely used it though. He never used them anyways. 

However he knew the point of it. 

It was possibly to control an san to stop something from happening that would affect the world.

But he never used it.

He just let everything happened.

After the voodoo doll was created he made it disappear in his hand.

Error 404 sighed.

"I guess its time to just go visit them?" Error 404 thought.

Suddenly an clone appeared. 

Error 404 looked at them

The clone looked like him.

It suddenly started glitching crazily and disappeared into Error 404.

Error 404 blinked as he processed that information from the clone.

Nothing much happened.

Error 404 didn't thing about it and decided to go back to doing what he was about to do.

As he teleported somewhere else.

Error 404 blinked.

He was at all the san au's area.

Basically where everyone would sort of hang out.

But not everyone was there.

Some people had their own area or something barely even knew about the san au drama.

"Hey 40!" someone said.

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