Ask & Dare 17

54 2 137

Nightmare is still on isd.

Error is still being forced to hang out with Fresh and so is Nightmare?


Nightmare:  RHEihawd-


Error: Funk you. ;-;

Fresh: Love you too man! :D *plantonic*


I dare epic sans to cast a spell making his head turn into a chicken by random_person_slopii

Epic: Perfect.

Epic: *has bought himself a Harry Potter set*

Cross: Oo whats that! :D

Epic: Its a Harry Potter set I just bought from the store now I'm going to show you magic. B)

Cross: ?

Epic: BoK boK boK! *says random words of a chicken head spell*

Cross: Bro thats not going to even wo-

Epic: *heads turn into a chicken* Bok bok.

Cross: WHAT THE F*C-


I dare Ink to dress up as Barney mixed with a clown outfit by random_person_slopii

Ink: B )


Ink: *vibing in his Barney mixed with clown costume in his room*

Dream: Hey In- *enters the room*

Ink: *looks at Dream*

Dream:... I'm not gonna each bother. *leaves the room*


I dare Dream to make a vlog for every second of his life by random_person_slopii

Dream: Welcome to my blog today we are going to wake up my friends-

Dream: *knocks on Blue's door*

Blue's room: *immediately reveals a sound of someone wake up and speed running their morning*

Dream: :)

Dream: *goes to Ink's door*

Dream: ... *hears barney music from Ink's room* Lets not wake him up-


Dream: Now we are going to go around and play with children. :) 

Some children: DREAMMM :D

Dream: ^^

Some emo kid: G r a n d p a       D r  e a m -

Dream: Hello kiddo- o-o'''


I dare Blue to live like Barbie and the dream house by random_person_slopii

Blue: Ah yes. I love this couch. *living in the dream house*

Blue: *flips the table and somehow a whole milk shake and etc is there*

Blue: *sips on milk shake*

Blue: Yes.


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