Ask & Dare 12

64 3 60

:) soy dora.



Error is finally back from his beautiful relaxation!! 

Nightmare now can't slap anyone who says something stupid.

 Nightmare still feels real disgusted.


Error: AH yes finally what an beautiful relaxation.. 

Error: Now I have to deal with this sh*t.


Nightmare: Aw man. I liked slapping people. They had an real  disgusting reaction. 


Hey nightmare want coffee? by WaterkittytheShipper

Nightmare: Ew I don't want your nasty coffee.


I dare that when everyone to talk behind Inks back and then Ink breaks the ceiling while singing "he told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine, he told me that my power would from like the grapes that thrive on the vine" from Encanto movie by random_person_slopii

Dust: *staring at his phone*

Horror: What is it?

Dust: Someone decided to take an picture of some embarrassing photo of me that was on the build board in instagram.

Horror: Oh that sucks.

Dust: Yea Ink's f*cking annoying.

Horror: Yea he is he keeps getting in people's business. 

*suddenly the ceiling breaks and Ink comes in a bed like the way Isabella does*

Ink: He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mineee...

Dust: What the f*ck-

Horror: Bruh we just fixed the vents now this!?

Ink: He told that my power form like the grapes that thrive on the vinee~~

Dust: This is so cringe.

Horror: *upset about the ceiling*


I dare everyone to react to their own baby pictures by random_person_slopii

(Ok so probably half of the people from the san au's would probably look like the same and stuff. So lets just say I turn them into babies and took an picture of them while they were still sort of their versions as babies. Well for Nightmare and Shattered well they might as well see both pictures of themselves as babies in two versions-)

Classic: -^-

Fell: . >:^ I remember I used to not have an yellow tooth-

Error 404: ..  

Fatal: he looks like me.

Error: Who the f*ck is that.

Nightmare: >:^

Dream: :) ..

Ink: :O I'm so cute.

Blue: *embarrassed by himself*

Lust: Haha I remember those days- 

Shattered: o-o This is stupid. *throws it in the trash*

Outer: Hehhe I was cute as an baby look at me floating away into the sky as that person is tryna chase after me-

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