Ask & Dare 16

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For those who haven't read the last announcement please read it. Its recommended as there's been a sudden change.


Dream & Ds!Dream is now not handcuffed anymore.

Ink, Nightmare, Shattered are finally free from neon cat music. (Rip their not existence ear drums)


Ds!Dream: Finally I can leave this place. *goes back to his multiverse*

Dream: Bye---     ':D


Ink: Aw. I liked dancing to it. :"(

Nightmare: Finally.. *exhausted*

Shattered: I never felt so free.


all the sans aus and ocs now have to watch the movie hellrazer (it's a very gorey "slightly"sexual in some scenes horror movie) by honk42069

(Btw I haven't watched it yet so I have no clue whats going on and so the characters will have just grossed out reactions)

Classic: ... I wish I never agreed to this.

Fell: .. *continues watching with a bit of some ew thoughts*

Error 404: ..

Fatal: *already glitching crazily*

Error: *stares at the screen very 'jeez'*

Nightmare: *still watching likes its no big deal but is a bit slightly disturbed)

Dream: I- I can't watch this- *already quit in the beginning of the movie)

Ink: Sometimes. This is too much.

Blue: Oh god...

Lust: I... *stares at the screen*

Shattered: I have no words. *continues watching*

Outer:I never felt so traumatized.

Dust: .. *watching*

Horror: .. Why am I still watching...

Killer: ...

Cross:... *already fainted*

Epic: *staring at the screen very what the hell..*

Fresh:This is so not cool I'm not watching.

Reaper: .. *watching it still*

Geno: I.. *staring at the screen*

Ccino: *fainted*



Viance: *silently watches*

Fandom: *staring at screen*

Odd: *already has left the room not willing to watch*

Nick: *silence*


(nightmare is now on lsd for two chapters) by honk42069

Nightmare: Beee Quiet! *on Isd all the sudden*

Dust: Is he having a seizer?!

Horror: What the hell.-

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