Chapter 3

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Five days later, and it was finally the day of Yona's sixteenth birthday celebration. 

Ji-ah had been with Yona most of the day from helping her to prepare to standing next to her and their father as people came up to offer their congratulations. If Ji-ah was being honest, she was starting to grow tired of interacting with guests that were only there for the sake of political politeness.

Still, she kept on her own polite smile until they all left to do whatever nobles do at a birthday celebration. She had to keep herself from sighing in relief after the last person offered their congratulations. Though, now she had to deal with her father's crying. 

"Sixteen years old," he sobbed. "My precious Yona has grown up so beautifully."

Unfortunately, Yona didn't even pay his words any notice. "Father, my hair is in a curly mess," she pouted, twirling a strand of her hair. "I wanted to put my hair up today. It looks awful."

The king sulked. "It's no use. The only thing this girl thinks of is her hair."

He muttered a few more words before going to speak with some of the guests, and it didn't take long for Yona to run off either. Ji-ah could only assume that she had gone to see Soo-won. 

And so Ji-ah was left alone once more. 

Almost immediately, she went to go and linger around the food table. She was a hungry person. Sue her. Besides, it's not like anybody else was really munching on any of the food. There was no way that she was going to let such delicious food go to waste. 

"Princess Ji-ah?" 

"Hmm?" Ji-ah turned around to face the one who spoke, making sure to quickly swallow the food that had been stuffed into her mouth. "Ah, Tae-jun, how can I help you?"

Her smile had become even more forced, not that he could tell. Kan Tae-jun was not exactly known for his ability to read the room. 

"Do you perhaps know where Princess Yona went?" he asked. "I couldn't help but notice that she appeared to be missing from her own celebration."

"I apologize," Ji-ah told him, putting on her best business smile; the one that was deceiving in appearance and often led others into a false sense of security. "But it would seem that she has gone off with Soo-won. I would suggest against disturbing them." Ji-ah's smile twitched a bit deviously. "Unless, of course, you don't mind having to deal with Hak once more."

In an instant, Tae-jun paled, sweat pouring down his face as he laughed awkwardly. "Ah, no, that's fine. I wouldn't want to interrupt anybody!"

And as Ji-ah had hoped, he scurried off in a matter of seconds. She had to control herself and make sure that she didn't start laughing at the sight. 

At least she had found one source of amusement. 

Deciding that she was done with socializing for the day, Ji-ah stuffed some food into a bag for later and strolled right on out of the room, paying no heed to the conversing nobles around her. Every few seconds she would stuff a cookie into her mouth as she wandered about the castle. She continued this for nearly ten minutes before she finally ran into somebody she didn't actually mind talking to. 

"Hello, Hak," Ji-ah smiled up at the surprised man. 

"I will figure out how you do that one day," he grumbled, ruffling the girl's hair.

"I have no doubts," she agreed before going to go and sit on a nearby railing. 

If it's not yet apparent, Ji-ah had a bit of a habit of sitting on them. 

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