Chapter 4

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"Ji-ah!" The said princess was smothered in a hug once the sun rose and Soo-won found his way into her room. "I'm glad to see that you're alright!"

"You as well," Ji-ah returned the hug, albeit a bit stiffer than usual, which didn't go unnoticed by Soo-won, who stiffened a bit in return. "Have you found Yona or Hak yet?"

The two separated, and Soo-won shook his head apologetically. "I'm sorry, but neither could be found on the castle grounds or anywhere in the surrounding area."

"And father's murderer?"

Soo-won avoided looking at her directly, his hands clenched at his sides. He had succeeded in killing the king, but he had lost two friends in the process. The friend that he still had left was the daughter of the man he had killed, and he would now be living off of lies.

But that was fine. 

He was used to lying. 

"I'm sorry."

They both knew that those words meant more than they seemed. 

"I know."

They made a silent agreement not to mention it. 


Kouka Kingdom is governed by five tribes: the fire tribe, the water tribe, the earth tribe, the wind tribe, and the sky tribe. At the head of those tribes were the generals, the strongest warriors who protect both the king and the tribes. And now, a few days after the king's death, all five were currently congregated in the same room in Hiryuu castle, which was located in the kingdom's capital otherwise known as Kuuto. 

Other than the generals, Soo-won, Soo-won's advisor, and Ji-ah were also included in the meeting that was taking place. Also, since Hak had disappeared, Son Mundok, the previous Wind Tribe general as well Hak's grandfather, was taking his place as the Wind Tribe general. 

"The king is dead?!"

It was safe to say that this meeting was not going to be a light hearted one. 

"What do you mean?!" General Lee Geun-tae of the Earth Tribe asked. "I was wondering why we were summoned so suddenly… and it's because the king has died…?"

"Princess Yona and General Son Hak have gone missing as well," General An Joon-gi of the Water Tribe noted calmly. "What was happening at the castle…?"

"Elder Mundok," General Kan Soo-jin of the Fire Tribe started, and Ji-ah could already feel the headache that was bound to start up. "Do you perhaps know something about General Hak's whereabouts?"

"What are you trying to say, you Fire Tribe rascal?" Mundok glared at the man from where he sat. 

"There's a rumor going around the castle," Soo-jin mentioned, not shying away from the dark look the Wind Tribe elder was sending him. "That General Hak killed the king and escaped, taking Princess Yona hostage." Mundok's glare darkened. "Doesn't this mean the Wind Tribe has committed treason?"

"Those are awfully bold words, General Soo-jin." The attention of everyone in the room snapped over to Ji-ah as a tense air circulated throughout the room. "Please do not misunderstand me, I certainly believe that rumors are to be investigated. They could possibly include important leads after all. However," Ji-ah took a long sip of tea before continuing, nobody daring to interrupt her. "Rumors are nothing but circulating stories and hearsay. Until General Hak's guilt has been proven, I believe that it is far too early for such accusations of treason to be going around. It's rather useless to start up groundless fires so soon, is it not?"

Silence rang out through the room, only being broken by General Soo-jin clicking his tongue. Though, he didn't dare argue. All those in the room knew better than to just disregard Princess Ji-ah's words. She generally had very keen insight for someone of her age, and this wasn't the first time that she had sat in on one of the general's meetings. For someone who was generally so quiet, she had definitely made quite the impression on those around her. 

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