Chapter 11

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In the largest building of the village stood Kija, this generation's Hakuryuu. At the present moment, he had his hand held up in the air as he pondered on the strange throbbing in his hand that had been bothering him nearly all day. 

"Lord Hakuryuu," an older woman came into the room being carried on a seat by four others. "Are you awake?" It was then that she noticed him holding his hand in the air. "Lord Hakuryuu?"

"I don't know why," Kija started. "But my right hand is throbbing oddly this morning…"

That was all it took for the old woman to start going into a panic, and Kija had to quickly calm her down. The conversation spiraled from there, going from his title as the Hakuryuu to Kija's lack of interest in marriage. Eventually, they landed on something that had also been bothering Kija since earlier. 

"By the way," he began. "Why has it been so noisy this morning?"

"Oh, it seems that Lady Ji-ah had arrived early with a few trusted friends in tow." The woman had yet to greet the party herself, but word travels quickly in such a small village. Besides, she had no doubts that Ji-ah had probably snuck away the first chance she had to go and visit her friend's grave. 

The woman, who shall now be dubbed simply as Granny for the present moment, was one of the very few in the village who knew about Ji-ah being the first generation. All of the villagers knew that she was the Momoiryuu and that she always came once a year to visit the first Hakuryuu's grave. However, most of them were under the impression that it was simply a tradition passed down from generation to generation. Even Kija was unaware of the Momoiryuu's true nature. 

"Lady Ji-ah is here!" Kija perked up immediately. "Why didn't anyone tell me sooner? I would've gone to greet her immediately!"

He was also extremely interested in these so-called 'trusted friends' of Ji-ah's. He trusted Ji-ah's judgment on their trustworthiness without a doubt. After all, Ji-ah was looked up to and respected nearly as much as he was, if not more. However, she had never once brought others into the village, and he was undoubtedly curious. 

Without a second thought, Kija raced out the door 


"It's been a while, hasn't it, Gu-en?" Ji-ah softly smiled at the headstone, deciding to sit down criss-cross applesauce. "Of course, I'm here a bit earlier than usual. I hope you don't mind. Things have been pretty chaotic lately. I know I already told you that Hiryuu reincarnated as my little sister. She's rather different from the Hiryuu we used to know, but her heart and soul are just as kind and just as strong willed. She's quite the sight to see, but she still has a lot to learn. Hopefully, I'll be able to help with that. I've actually gotten a lot better at teaching and helping others since the last time we saw each other in person. 

I remember when I first met you and the others, I was the youngest out of us all, and I had so much to learn back then. I still do. I'd pick fights with Shuten. Though, that wasn't particularly difficult with how easy he was to tease. Come to think of it, you were pretty easy to tease, too.

Even still, whenever I was out causing trouble, whether it be falling out of trees or causing mud fights or getting distracted on the battlefield, you guys would always be there to bail me out. No matter how much we may have fought, you guys were some of the best friends that I could have asked for. Who knows, maybe Zeno and I will be able to join you guys one day. After all, things are changing. This country is at a critical turning point, and history is in the making, just like it was back then. So maybe, just maybe, once this is all over, the heavens will declare our roles to be over and finally let us rest in peace and be able to see you guys once more. Until then… Well…

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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