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*Kelsey's P.O.V.*

I was out for a run because the boys were recording and Alex was I don't know where and I was going to the studio after my run. I seen Cassidy on my run and she didn't look to happy to see me. I just ignored her, but as soon as she locked eyes with me the first time I knew she wouldn't because all the fans knew that Cole and I were dating, so that meant Cassidy knew. Cassidy is going to blame me for the break up and I just know it. She followed me until I turned around and said, "What do you want? Why are you following me?" "You stole Cole away from me. You told him what I told you and he broke up with me and then went out with you." "Yea he broke up with you, but that was his decision not mine. I didn't make him do anything." "Whatever. Your gonna pay. He's gonna find out who you really are if you don't be careful." With that she left. I ran back to the house and took my razer and made one cut on the wrist and the rest on my thighs. I then got a shower and walked to the studio.


A/N: Okay, so I've been really busy with school and going back and forth to the doctors. I just finished a musical a few weeks ago and now it's time to buckle down and study again. So I'm really sorry for not posting so much but I'm going to try to post more often. But how are you guys liking this story so far. Its sad that Cassidy is back and is "hurting" Kelsey. Will she tell Cole or will she keep it to herself. What will happen if this does happen.




and Comment.

~xx Kesley

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