Good day turns to Bad News turns to...

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*Kelsey's P.O.V.*

"So now answering you question, go get ready we are going out," Cole said. "Okay." I shoved him out the door and started getting ready to go to who knows where. I stuck on a pair of jeans and a shirt with a shrug and a scarf. I looked at myself in the mirror again and then left. Cole was leaning on my door way because probably he never left when I shoved him out and so he fell face first.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kelsey's outfit on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I laughed while walking out and then before I could even get to the stair case he caught up to me. "Cole put me down" "Nope, you were laughing and didn't even offer a hand to help me up." He carried me to his room and then started to tickle me. "" I managed to say. "Not until you say Cole Alan Pendery is the sexiest guy you ever met." "NO" "Then, I'm not stopping." "Fine." He smirked as if he were going to win. "DANA, Cole is trying to rape me!" His eyes went wide and he got off of me. "No fair." Dana barged in and said, "Cole, what did I say, don't do anything to my sister." "False alarm Dana. He just tried to tickle me and wouldn't stop." "okay Kelso." I laughed and jumped back on the bed and hid under the covers. Cole pulled them off and then said, "Why did you do that?" "Because, you weren't going to win that battle. And I already admitted that you were the sexiest guy I ever met." "You ready to go." "Nah, I'm tired can we go after a nap?" "Anything for you, Princess." I took off my boots and layed in his bed because I didn't feel like walking over to mine.


I woke up from my nap and Cole had his arms wrapped around me, but I had my headache again from this morning. I think something is up, but I seriously don't know. I'll wait a couple more days and see. I woke Cole up and we went to go to IHOP and then went back to the house and watched Netflix until we both fell asleep.


*couple days later*

I feel worse than what I have been. I just woke up and I feel dizzy and I have a migraine. I woke up Cole and told him. He told the others and then took me to the emergency room. In the emergency room we found out that I have Leukemia which is a cancer. I felt like I didn't have a place in the world anymore. I told Cole because it was just me when then told me. I was crying when the doctors told me, so I can't believe how upset Cole is going to be. I told him and he cried and cried. I was able to go home, but I had to come back to the hospital for treatments. The good thing about Leukemia is that it can be cured the bad thing is it can come back.

Dana was taking me to my second treatment because Cole had to go to dance rehearsal that day and on the way there I asked Dana, "If this treatment doesn't work, what will you guys do without me?" "Kelsey, don't talk like that it's going to work and your going to be okay and it's never going to come back." "Will you help me make a bucket list just incase though." "Anything for you, Kels." "Thanks, Dana, but please don't Cole. If anything happens then you can tell him or I will." "Okay, Kelso, but I really think you should tell him now, but you do what you want." I gave him a small smile. I went in for my treatment and then left. On the way home I felt awful. Dana just drove me back to the house and helped me out of the car. By the time we reached the elevator going upstairs, Cole lifted me up and start carrying me upstairs towards my bedroom and then went and got some of the pain killers that the doctor proscribed while I was there because not only was I really dizzy, having a huge migraine, and feel like passing out, I also felt like a knife was stabbing me over and over again. Cole brought me a glass of water and pain killers and then I took them and then layed down. He left and then came back and then I fell asleep.


*couple months later*

I was going in for final testing today and I was really weak. I got all my testing done and was waiting for the results. Mom and Dad, Cole, Dana, Dalton, Gabe, Will, David, and Alex were all in the waiting room while I was in my room. I had to stay over night last night because they wanted to keep an on me. Cole never left the hospital, but everybody else did to get some sleep. I was waiting in my room alone for the results and finally they came and then the doctor said, "Miss Vaughns, your cancer is gone..." I looked up and smiled and couldn't stop crying. "Would you like me send in anybody, only a few at a time though." I nodded still crying. He walked out. I waited a coupled minutes and the door opened....

*Cole's P.O.V.*

I was pacing because I was so nervous. I was here all last night with Kelsey and then I couldn't help but worry all day. I seen the doctor walk out of the room and then he said, "Only a few at a time in the room please." Nothing else just that not going to tell us how the results came back? I looked over and they all seen me worrying even more. Kelsey and Dana's mom said, "Cole, honey, why don't you go in first, just you and then the rest of us will split, okay?" I looked around and they all agreed. I nodded and thanked all of them. I walked into the room and seen her laying weak on the bed and seen she has been crying this can't be good. I was already preparing myself for the worse, but I couldn't handle it I was already in tears.

*Kelsey's P.O.V.*

The door opened and it was Cole. I could tell he was worried and he started to cry. Ohh crap Kelsey of course he thinks that the cancer is going to take you away. I finally said, "Cole, sweetie, come here." He did as I said and then grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes and he looked hurt. "Kelsey, you promised you weren't going anywhere." "Who says I'm going anywhere. I'm staying right with you just like I promised." "But the r-results." "The results came back negative. The cancer is gone." He smile at me and tears of sadness went to tears of joy. He came over and kissed me and then Dana barged in. "Hi, Dana," I croaked out. "Kelsey, you alright." "Yea, you won't believe what though." "What." Cole grabbed my hand and I told Dana what the results were and that's how I told everybody else with Cole by my side. Everybody left and Cole was driving me home, but of course had to change out of these clothes first. I had the nurse help me because there was no way Cole was helping me.

Afterwards, Cole pushed me out in a wheelchair and then helped me in the car. As soon as we got to the house Cole came over and opened up my door like a gentleman then carried me all the to my bedroom. He put me down and said, "Just holler if you need anything." "Okay." I waited till he went out of the room and all the way downstairs and then I shouted, "COLE!" "Coming." He ran up the stairs. "What did you need?" "Umm, don't leave me up here by myself I mean you could have lost me remember?" "Yes, I remember, I still can so please don't remind me." "I'm sorry, sweetie." Tears were pricking his eyes, but he would not let them escape. He came over and layed down beside me and held me tight but not as tight as normal since I was now weak.

I looked at Cole and said, "Did you know a good day could turn to a bad and then turns into a who knows what?" "Yea." "Crazy isn't?" Yea it is. You wanna hear something crazier?" "Sure" "I love you To The Moon And Back." "Forever and Always?" "Forever and Always." I kissed him then turned my head and fell asleep.


A/N: Hey guys so I updated again. Sorry for time changes, but I Couldn't think of anything that would happen between those times so I'm truly sorry. Btw, I'm trying to updated as much as I can. Wow Cole has been through everything with Kelsey. Can he handle the pressure later on in life? Will he keep his promises? Will she keep hers? Keep reading to find out. Plus I'm looking for someone to be Will's and Dalton's girlfriend so if interested comment your name and Dalton's name and I might just add you to the story. Comment what you think so far, Vote, and Share with your friends. Love you all <3

~xx Kelsey

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