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*Kelsey's P.O.V.*

It was the next morning and I was only awake enough to look around at my surroundings. I remembered that I stayed at Cole's house last night and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. I also remember watching Paranormal Activity 1,2,3, and part of 4 and falling asleep. I looked around some more and then I felt a tight squeeze around my waist. I then remembered Cole asking me when I was half asleep if I wanted to sleep in his room or in my room and I said his. Cole's arms were holding onto me like he was afraid of losing me. I tried to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. He pulled me closer and held me tighter. After fighting for a while, I finally decided that I would just relax and try to lay back down. I managed to do that, but face him. I kissed his cheek and he stirred in his sleep.

I fell asleep in Cole's Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt. I really love that team. He woke up and said, "Good Morning, Princess." I love his voice after he just wakes up its so husky. "Good Morning, Pendery." I seriously need to come up with a name for him. "How'd you sleep last night." "Amazing. How about you?" "Well, since I have you I slept great." He then kissed my forehead and I asked, "You hungry?" He nodded and I then said, "If you let me go, I can go make breakfast." He shook his head. "Cole, seriously I have to pea. Let me go." "Fine, Princess." I giggled then got up to go to the bathroom and then went downstairs and went to make breakfast. All of a sudden, I felt to warm arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Cole there. He said, "I let you go to go to the bathroom and then to come back." "But I was hungry. I'm making your favorite. Chocolate Chip Pancakes." He chuckled and said, "At least let me help you." I nodded after I giggled. Before I knew it there was flour and egg everywhere. Cole and I were having a food fight. I then realized that 2 strong arms were holding onto my waist and holding me up facing Cole. I then decided to lean in and he did the same. I felt fireworks and sparks going off. We parted after about 30 seconds to breathe. I then felt my phone vibrate. It was Dalton.

Dolphin: U up?

Spidey: Yes

Dolphin: Good. I'll come and get you at 10 so be ready...

Spidey: Kk.

*End of txt convo.*

I looked at the clock and it was 8:30. I had to be ready by 10 and it only takes me 20 minutes to get ready so I set my alarm for 9:30 just to be safe. I then looked at Cole and kissed his cheek and ran to his bedroom. He was looking for me but looked in all the wrong places. I turned on the TV in his room and started watching Adventure Time. I don't like people knowing about my obsession on this show, but I love it. I continued to watch Adventure Time and felt somebody jump on the bed. It was Cole and he asked, "You like watching Adventure Time?" "No..." "Kelsey, don't lie to me. Don't worry I like this show too." "Yes I do." "Ok...I have to make this pact with you." "What pact." "Since we are dating. You and I are Adventure Time Buddies." "What is that?" "You can't watch Adventure Time without me and I can't watch Adventure Time without." I nodded and continued watching Adventure Time and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Before we knew it my phone went off and I told Cole, "I have to go get ready now." "Why?" "I'm leaving with Dalton in 30 minutes." "Why can't you just stay with me today?" "Because I already told Dalton I was his for today." "Well I'll carry your room." I then said, "Cole, you can leave now." "No I'd rather stay." I shook my head then pushed him out and went to my closet and choose my outfit.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Outfit on side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It was 9:50 by the time I was done and I left my room and went to find Cole. He was on his phone and looked up when I walked in. He then asked, "Why can't you go with Dalton any other day?" "Because I told him today. You can have me any other day." "But I want you today." I shook my head and got a text from Dalton letting me know he was there. "I'll walk you out." I nodded and we walked out. Before I got into Dalton's car Cole kissed me and I kissed back it was so passionate. Dalton rolled down the window and said, "Get a room." I giggled and Cole chuckled and we kissed again. I then told Cole good-bye and that I would see him at supper. He nodded and we left. "Where are we going today Dalton." "I figured that we could go to the mall and then to Starbucks then to Dana's house for supper." I nodded and we turned up the radio. It was Wild Life by Jack and Jack. As the song finished we pulled into the mall parking lot.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Video for Wild Life on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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