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Authors note:1995. No Julie(as of right now. might add her later). No death. Just Alex, Reggie, Luke, and Bobby. And also Willie because who wouldn't put in some Willex?

POV-No One

The boys were practicing a song Luke was writing while Bobby was at school. His parents were at work and wouldn't be home until after 10PM. So that left Alex, Reggie, and Luke to have the house to themselves because they decided to be high school dropouts.

They chose to stay in the garage and practice. Since Luke was working on the new song, Alex and Reggie mostly just sat and watched. They Occasionally helped Luke with lyrics or beats.

After an hour of Luke not asking for any help, Alex said, "Yep, I'm gonna go."

"Where to?" Reggie asked.

"The beach," Alex replied as he grabbed his coat off the chair with a smile.

"Say hi to Willie for me?" Reggie smirked.

"When did I say I was going to see him?" Alex questioned.

"You didn't have to," Reggie informed Alex, "Your face said it all."

Alex blushed before walking out the door. Reggie smiled and waved at the empty air in front of him where Alex was just standing. He then turned to Luke, who was super focused on writing his song. Reggie stared at his best friend. Luke's concentration was so cute. The way he appeared to be pouting as he stared at the paper in front of him. He was really just in deep thought, but it more than often didn't look like that.

Luke felt someone staring at him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Reggie, leaning on the table, his head rested in his hand and he stared deeply at Luke with a small smile on his face. Luke began blushing and could no longer focus on the song he was writing. Not with Reggie staring at him like that. So he decided to make a comment on it.

"Can I help you?" Luke asked as he turned to face the youngest of Sunset Curve.

Reggie jumped at the sound of Luke's voice, "What do you mean?"

Luke noticed the rosey hint appearing on Reggie's cheeks. "You're staring at me. Thought you might need something."

"I wasn't staring!" Reggie replied a little too quickly. "I'm gonna go take a bath."

Luke smiled as he watched Reggie walk into the bathroom. Even though the house was Bobby's, all the boys pretty much lived there. Well, Luke did live there. Reggie was there all the time because his parents would never stop fighting. Alex tried to be home as much as possible, but after he came out, everything at home was just tense and awkward.

Reggie closed the door to the bathroom, relieved to be away from Luke. He really needs to stop staring so much. He turned on the water and watched as the tub slowly filled. He added the bubble soap he bought the other day. Then poured a little into the water, knowing that a lot of bubbles are created with just a little bit of soap. He learned that the hard way. The dark brown haired boy stripped and slid calmly into the warm water. The bubbles quickly covered him like a blanket. He leaned his head back on the wall and closed his eyes, enjoying the tranquil room around him.

Luke tried his hardest to focus on writing, but he was too distracted. He heard Reggie start the bath and suddenly Luke really wanted to go in there. He found himself standing outside the bathroom door with his notebook in his hand, listening to Reggie hum a soft tune to himself. He smiled at the sound of his bandmate's voice. It sounded so angelic. Without even thinking about it, Luke opened the door. He stepped inside, then froze when he realized what he had just done. Reggie didn't notice until Luke tried to leave.

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