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Authors note: sorry for the long wait. This chapter took a long time. It's just a filler and pretty much has no significance to the story, but I wanted to fill in a little of the year you all missed. They're in order, from least recent to most recent. Enjoy!


Start Flashback

It’s been a few months since we beat up my dad. I had no idea what happened to him, and I never wanted to know. I hope he died. I hate that man with more than a burning passion. Luke, Alex, and I are all working towards buying our apartment, which means the band has been put on the back burner of the stove. It kind of sucks. I miss playing music at clubs and stuff. I miss playing music in general. Sometimes we’ll practice, but most of the time we’re all too tired. That and we can’t play when Alex’s mom is home. Which is becoming more and more often. No one knows why.

Anyways, I was walking back to Alex’s after work, Luke was home, sick, and Alex doesn’t work with me. It was dark out and past 11 pm so the buses weren’t running anymore. Not that I’d take the bus anyway. It’s gross. Especially this late at night. Sketchy. So here I am, walking tired through the darkened streets.

As I passed the park, I remembered the shortcut Luke showed me last week. I turned down the main path and walked through the really dark park. There were a few lights here and there, but not many. And of course, I was absolutely terrified. I hate being alone already, but alone in the dark where anyone could come and mureder me? I’ve seen the shows, man. Law and Order, dude, I don’t mess with that shit.

I tried to ignore the shadows that I thought were moving around me. Convincing myself my mind was playing tricks on me. There was no one hiding behind that tree, no one was following me. I looked down at my feet. Trying to narrow my line of vision. If I can’t see it, it’s not there, right?

Footsteps were approaching from ahead of me. I ignored them, thinking they’re just in my head, no one would be walking the park this late at night. And yet the light taps of a woman’s heels rang in harmony with the loud thumps of a man's shoes. I still tried to ignore it, though, refusing to look up. Their voices shattered the late night air, causing my body to quiver in fear. The voice of the man sounded so familiar.

I still refused to look up. I didn’t want to know the owners of the voices and steps. For all I know, I could look up and they’d be gone and it’d just scare me more. I felt so much safer walking through here with Luke. Why do I have to be so stupid? What made me think this was a good idea?

I was watching my feet, focusing on my steps. I was making sure I wasn’t stepping on the lines between the squares on the sidewalk, and that I took steps in each square before stepping into the next. One, two. One, two. One, two. One…

I ran into something. Well, someone. A bulky figure, twice my size in height, width, and mass. It felt like running into a fricken brick wall. I stumbled backward, but caught myself. I looked up and the first face that crossed my line of vision was that of a young lady. Early 20s with long, light brown hair and alluring blue eyes. She looked like an angel, but not my type. I prefer curly, caramel hair, hazel eyes, strong muscles and a voice of a god. Not a goddess.

She was shorter than the man she was walking with, and a hell of a lot younger, too. I let my eyes look at the man. I was met with sharp green eyes, short white hair, and a glare that has caused me so much pain. A look that was burned in my memory. A face that haunted my dreams for months. The face I grew up with. The face of the person who created half of me. The face of the person who could never love me or my mother or my brother. Even wanted a dog that he doesn’t love. The only thing he found he could love was shoving his dick up some poor innocent girl.

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