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"We should definitely get some cookies," I said, picking up the choclate chip cookies off the shelf.

"Why?" Luke asked. "We don't need them. We're literally here to get things to make cookies."

"Yeah, we do need them," I smiled as I threw the cookies into the basket Luke was carrying.

Luke sighed, but didn't take them out. Mini victories. Haha. We walked a little further into the store. We only needed things for Christmas cookies. Alex wanted to make them. Just us three, but he's at Willie's and Luke and I are planning on surprising him when he gets home.

We made it to the isle with the frostings, and Luke began choosing Christmas colors while I did everything to piss him off. Of course, everytime someone walked by or entered the isle I would pretend I didn't know him. A little excessive, I know, but I don't want to take any risks because I can't lose Luke.

A familair girl came into the isle, I, again, pretended not to know Luke.

"Reggie?" The female's voice called.

I turned and saw the collage girl from the night at the park a million years ago.

"Hi?" I questioned, not remembering her name.

"It's me, Carolynn," she smiled. "I never got to thank you for saving me that night."

Carolynn reached out touched my arm gently. I didn't really know how to react so I just nodded and smiled.

"Reg," Luke said as he turned, the basket full of Christmas sprinkles and frosting of red, green, silver and white. "You ready to go? Alex said he already had the stuff for the batter at home."

"You know him?" Carolynn asked Luke.

"Of course I know him," Luke replied, sounding appalled. "He's been my best friend since kindergarden."

Carolynn looked a little confused, but we shrugged it off.

I followed Luke towards the check out, and Carolynn followed us. She kept talking to me. Well, less talking and more flirting. Everytime she did something that made me uncomfortable, I'd lightly brush my hand against Luke's so he could butt into the conversation. Or I'd just talk directly to him so she'd stop for a few moments. We finished and left the store, and Carolynn was very persistant in following us. Honestly it was getting creepy.

"So, Reggie," Carolynn's voice changed from confident and flirty to almost nervous.

"Yeah?" I asked as we walked into the apartment building we lived in.

"Are you looking for somene?" she asked. "Because I would love to go out with you. Maybe dinner at a nice restaurant or something. Maybe on Christmas?"

"He's taken," Luke replied for me as we stepped into the elevator.

I stepped closer to Luke, trying to subtly imply that I'm taken by him. Carolynn took the hint right away and quickly apalogized to both of us before going on a long rant about how she didn't realize and how it must suck due to the law and blah blah blah, I kind of stopped listening. Luke and I just nodded along and let her finish her awkward rant.

Once we reached our door, we invited her to stop by anytime she wishes, although she can't come in right now because of our roommate. After that, she left.

The next day, she was back at our door. Seeming desperate, she asked me out again. I felt bad declining her again, but it had to be done. She rolled her eyes a little, but then smiled at me. Insisting that I'm only gay because I haven't found the right girl yet. I told her she was right, I'd never find the right girl because I was with a guy. She just smiled and turned away.

The next day, Carolynn was back. Asking me out yet again. I didn't feel as bad telling her no this time. And she continuted to insist I go out with her. Again, I explained I was with Luke and not interested in dating her.

On the thrid day, Carolynn crossed the line. She knocked on the door and Luke answered.

"Reggie already told you no," Luke tried to say nicely.

"I want to apologize to him," Carolynn smiled a not so reassuring smile. "So, may I please come in?"

Luke stepped aside, allowing the woman who was slighty taller that him to come inside our home. He invited her into the kitchen, where I stood eating some left over pizza.

"Hey Carolynn," I said with a mouthful of food.

"I wanted to apologizefor forcing my love onto you," she started. "It was rude, and yet I'm so desperate I was willing to try and convice you, a taken gay man, to date me."

I swallowed and stared blankly at her. I glanced at Luke, who shrugged to me. So, I looked back at the ballerina in front of me. (She had told us she was a ballerina when Luke met her.) She smiled again before asking Luke for some privacy. Luke reluctantly nodded and went into the living room, but stayed close enough to be able to hear every word exchanged between Carolynn and I.

"Listen, Reggie," Carolynn stepped closer to me and I was already leaning against the counter so I couldn't go anywhere. "I really like you."

She placed her hand on mine. I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear. What was she about to do? What will Luke do? Will he be mad at me?

A million thoughts raced through my head as she spoke and slowly brought herself close to me. I didn't hear anything she had been saying. You know those scenes from moveis where the main character's ears are ringing becuase of an explosion or something so the viewer can't hear anything besides the ringing and their watching the scene from afar? That's how I feel. I'm the viewer of the movie. Except the main characters are me and this woman who I barely know, and no one's hurt. But I, the viewer, am watching the whole scene fromafar, unable to hear anything going on. Knowing what's going to happen next, but only sitting at the edge of my seat. And you know in those horror moveis where you yell at the character to stay away from the basement becuae everyone knows the murderer is down there? Well, that's me as the viewer. Sitting on the edge of my seat screaming at me, the main character, to get out of there, run before it's too late. Screaming, but the character won't listen.

Carolynn leaned closer and closer and the suspense in my stomach kept building. I knew what was going to happen. I knew I was going to hate it. But the overpowering fear held me in place like the latest victim who tripped over their own feet while the killer was right behind them. Wanting to move, begging for their life, but still lying there on their back as the killer lifts their knife.

When her lips gently pressed to mine, I was no longer the viewer of the movie. I was back in my own body, able to move.

I quickly shoved Carolynn off of me and called for Luke, who came running and saw a not so out of context scene. With Carolynn now standing a few feet away from me with fear in her eyes as she stared at my boyfriend, and me with the same look on my face as I stared at the blue-eyed ballerina.

"What the hell are you doing to my Reggie?!" Luke yelled as he quickly read the situation.

"I- I was just-" Carolynn seemed to be at a loss for words. "I was just saying sorry."

"The hell you were!" I yelled as I moved to be closer to Luke.

Once I was within arms reach of him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"You need to get out of my house now," Luke glared at Carolynn as he spoke harshly. "And never fucking come back."

Carolynn nodded as she ran to the door. Not a word was spoken as she left, closing the door so gently we didn't even hear it.

"Are you ok? Did she hurt you?" Luke turned to me and cupped my face.

I grabbed his wrists. "I'm fine. She just pulled a Julie."

Luke pulled me into a tight hug. We told Alex when he got home the next day, but since then, the night had never been brought up again. Every rough spot Sunset Curve goes through stays unmentioned forever. It's an unspoken rule. Like a secret. You don't share no matter what.

End Flashback

Authors note: I have nothing against Carolynn. Just needed a filler and didn't want to make up a new character. So, nothing against Carolynn, just lazy.

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