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I woke up to Luke holding me peacefully in his sleep. I honestly couldn't tell if last night was a dream or not. I sat up a little and noticed that a certain little girl wasn't in bed anymore. I smiled to myself as all the events of last came back. The most dream-like part of it being me on the streets singing a song that I still knew the lyrics and beat to.

I got up and looked for April. I found her watching TV on the couch.

"Isn't it a little early for you to be up?" I asked her with a smile.

"Reggie," she looked at me like I was stupid, "It's almost ten. You and Luke just sleep a lot."

I looked at the time on the oven and, sure enough, it was 9:45.

"We do not sleep that much," I replied in a mock offended tone.

The little girl giggled.

"Did you eat yet?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"I want donuts," the little girl shrugged while watching her cartoons.

"We don't have donuts," I said.

"I know," the little girl spoke in a tone that I've never heard her use before. It was cute. "We're going to get some when Luke gets up."

"Says who?" I looked at her with confusion.

She looked at me with an annoyed look. "Uhh, me. Duh."

The little girl rolled her eyes and went back to her cartoon. I love this little girl. I smiled and watched the show with her. It was about a boy named Caillou. Personally, I thought it was stupid. I used to watch Dinosaurs with my brother, that one was okay. I don't really like kids shows anymore, but this is just sad. But now I'm invested. I must keep watching.


I woke up to an empty bed. I was kind of surprised by that since usually Reggie will lay here until I wake up or vice versa. I shrugged it off knowing April was here and he probably got up to take care of her.

I found the two of them in the living room watching a cartoon I didn't recognize. I smiled at how much of a family they looked like. I wanted a kid. I loved seeing Reggie with April. It made me happy. He looked so happy. But we're also two males who will never be allowed to adopt. I have major baby fever. I've watched April grow for a year and Reggie and I have been a huge part of the process and honestly I've wanted to talk to Reggie about having a kid for a long time. We both know the risks, but we've taken April out a hundred times and only got stopped by a cop about a hundred times. We always have a picture of April's mom with her and we say that one of us is babysitting and the other is just tagging along. It always works.

"You enjoying yourself, baby?" I asked Reggie.

"Yes," April happily replied, not knowing I was talking to Reggie.

"No," Reggie said at the same time as April.

I smiled at the two of them. Neither of them took their eyes off the TV. It was honestly adorable. I walked over and sat next to Reggie, wrapping my arm around his thin shoulders.

"Can we talk about your arms?" I whispered into Reggie's ear.

He finally took his eyes off the TV and looked at me.

"Not now," he whispered almost silently.

"Reggie, Luke," April said looking at both of us like she was in charge, "we're going to get donuts now. Get your shoes and your credit cards. We got shit to do!"

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