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⚠important⚠Authors note: this is really far in the story, I know, but if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please tell me so I can fix them. ALSO ⚠the end of this chapter nearly made me cry writing it so enjoy :)⚠

POV-No one

The three boys, Willie, Mrs. Harvey, April, Julie, and Flynn were gathered in the boy’s apartment. It’s Christmas. They all waited until a little bit before dinner to open gifts because they wanted to celebrate with their families.

Julie, Ray, and Carlos had their little family Christmas. Flynn spent hers with her dad. And tomorrow she’ll celebrate with her mom. Bobby celebrated with his parents, not that anyone currently sitting in the boy’s living room cared. Willie spent Christmas Eve with Alex’s family, and Christmas morning with his own. Alex spent Christmas Eve with his family, and Christmas morning with Willie’s. As friends, of course, in front of Willie’s parents. Which left Luke and Reggie. Reggie didn’t want to go home, and he begged Luke out of visiting. Luke tried to insist, saying it’s the right thing to do. Wish family a merry Christmas, but Reggie countered his offer with, “If we do, then we go see your family first.”

That ended the conversation quickly. Luke really did want to go see his mom and dad. But he knew he would only make things worse. Mrs. Harvey eventually came over and they spent Christmas Eve to Christmas morning with her and April.

And yes, Alex offered to take them to his house, but they said no because they didn’t want to stay at Alex’s awkwardly while Alex and Willie went back to the Stewart’s. (Willie’s last name is unknown so I made it his actor’s last name.)

Now it was almost 5 PM and everyone was sitting in random places around the room. Flynn quickly learned about Luke and Reggie when she got there and said she was ok with it and happy for them. Then she glared at Julie who had scoffed.

Flynn and Julie were sitting on the piano bench, Willie and Alex had sat close enough together on the floor against the couch where their shoulders could be touching, but they have yet to say more than a basic “hello” to each other. Mrs. Harvey and April sat beside the Christmas tree since April insisted on passing out presents. And Luke sat comfortably on the couch and Reggie ended up in his lap after a short conversation about seating.

“You’re in my spot,” Reggie said, talking to Luke.

“I was here first,” Luke smirked. “Sit next to me.”

“No,” Reggie said stubbornly. “I’m sitting there.”

Reggie pointed at Luke and Luke figured he meant the seat, but Luke, being just as stubborn as Reggie, just sat there. And a few seconds later, Reggie was sitting on his lap. Five out of the six of them acted like it was the most normal thing in the world, Reggie sitting on Luke’s lap and Luke’s arms wrapped around the younger boy’s waist. But of course Julie had to be the odd ball and give them a disgusted look to which Luke returned with a harsh glare.

They were opening gifts, one person would open all their gifts, and then the next person. April went first. She had a gift from her mom, Luke and Reggie, and Alex and Willie. She received a black dress with gold sunflowers on it from Luke and Reggie, a coloring book from Alex and Willie, and the Perfection board game from her mom. Flynn was second and only had one present to open since no one knew she was coming. The gift she got was from Julie and she had gotten Flynn new headphones for her DJ set. Julie went next since she wanted to go first to begin with, but everyone insisted she be nice and let the four year old go first. And Flynn said she’d go second because she had only one gift. Alex got Julie a bunch of flower stickers since they all know she likes to decorate her stuff. Reggie had made her a card that read, “FUCK OFF!!! (respectfully).” Which Luke thought went perfectly with the gift he got her. It was a mini Reece’s cup. And she gave Luke and Reggie the nastiest look, but they were both laughing, and so everyone else except Julie. Mrs. Harvey didn’t know Julie was coming, and Willie, only knowing what Alex told him about Julie, got her a random love story that he found at a random book store.

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