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As we walked to my surprise dinner, I wanted nothing more than to hold Luke’s hand. The only thing I could think of at this moment was expressing my love for him to the world. But as we walked, I kept my distance, being sure to walk close enough to him where no one could shove between us, but far enough away to make us look like friends.

I spent the entirety of our walk guessing what my surprise was going to be.

“Is it a puppy?” I asked, high hopes in my voice.

“No,” Luke laughed at my childish personality.

“A hamster?” my voice was still hopeful, but it was clear I was giving up after guessing so many things during our ten minute walk.

“Nope,” Luke was still smiling even though I grew more disappointed every time he said no.

“Pizza?” The last of my hopen left with final guess.

“No, sir,” Luke looked at me.

I had a look on his face that a two year old has when they don’t get their way. I groaned in annoyance, but kept walking alongside him. Even if I guessed my surprise, Luke wasn’t going to tell me. I guessed about a hundred things, but my boyfriend just kept telling me no. But I was okay with that. I enjoyed coming up with fun ideas we could maybe do in the future.






“Not even close.”



I stopped guessing. Luke confused the shit out of me. Why would he just shout out a random number in the middle of my guessing? Maybe it’s a hint.

Luke hooked his arm to mine, which I didn’t think much of. He walked me into a building that I never noticed here before.

The place was called Radar which I thought was a cool and weird name. The employees inside were all wearing black T-shirts with emerald green lining and a name tag on their left breast that had their name written in cursive. It also had their rank. One said host, one said server, and one read manager. Each employee wore black pants and black shoes. It was a small, bar type place that wasn’t that busy.

Luke talked to the host while I stood cautiously behind him. He had unhooked my arm and now held my hand, which is usually comforting except for the fact that we’re in public.

We were led to our table and I was in a full on panic attack by the time we sat down, but Luke’s warm smile calmed me down enough to speak.

“What the fuck?!” I whisper yelled at Luke.

“Calm down, baby,” Luke smiled still, talking in a normal voice.

‘We’re gonna get arrested!!” I whispered.

“Look around, love,” Luke laughed.

I looked around, taking notice of the customers who come here. At the bar, two guys made out slowly. At one table, two girls held hands and were sharing a dessert. At another, two guys were hardcore flirting with each other.

I turned back to Luke, “Is everyone here gay?”

Luke nodded and I suddenly calmed down. He really found a place where I could love him in public. I smiled at my boyfriend. He makes everything special.

“I think we’re a little overdressed, don’t you?” Luke joked as he looked around.

I took note of what we were wearing compared to everyone around us. Luke had on his blue and black Vans, black sweatpants, a white shirt with gold words on it, the new jacket Alex got him, and his yellow beanie. I was wearing my usual boots, black pants, plain white tank top, leather jacket, and a black and red flannel tied around my waist. VS everyone else where khakis and polos, or dresses and heels.

“Yeah, babe, overdressed is exactly the word I’d use right now,” I laughed.

“Hey, I’m Tiffany and I’ll be your server tonight. Is there any drink I can start you off with?” Our server came over and sounded bored as she spoke.

Neither of us looked at the menu yet, so we went with what we knew we liked that everyone had.

“I’ll have sweet iced tea, please,” Luke smiled.

“Lemonade, please,” I asked with a smile even though I was getting a nasty look from Tiffany.

“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Tiffany seems nice,” I smile, seeming as honest as possible even though I really don't mean it.

“Did you miss the part where she was a dick?” Luke asked me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, pretending to be confused.

“Yeah, ok,” Luke picked up his menu and started reading.

We ordered our food, Tiffany still being a jerk, and were talking about everything and nothing as we waited for our meal to come. We were just going to share a pizza, which was totally okay with me because nothing beats sharing the thing I love with the one I love.

“Oh my God!” the two girls who were sharing their dessert came over to our table. “You guys are Sunset Curve!”

“Yeah,” Luke smiled, looking up at them.

“Tell your friends,” I butted in unnecessarily.

“Wait, are you two gay?” the blonde girl asked.

“No,” I replied sarcastically. “No, we just came here to look like a couple.”

“We won’t tell anyone,” The brunette smiled. “But it’s good to know two of the members of my favorite band are like me and Jess. Maybe you guys can give gays a voice.”

“We’ll try when we’re bigger,” Luke promised.

“Thank you!” The brunette almost looked relieved. She hugged Luke, then came over and hugged me before taking the hand of her lover and walking away.

“Wait!” I called after them, getting an idea. “What’s your names?”

“I’m Heather,” The brunette introduced herself, “and this is Jessica.”

I smiled and turned to Luke just as our pizza was being placed in front of us.

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