Twenty Two

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I've been pacing next to the phone for hours. It's December 28th, three days after Christmas. Everyday since Christmas morning I've been here at the phone trying to work up the courage to call the boys.  found their number in the phone book, under Lar Paterscer. And if that isn't a mix of all their names then I don't know what is. I already have the number memorized from how long I've been staring at it. The closest I've gotten to called my old bandmates is looking at the phone. Other than that I've gotten no where. Although, my parents aren't here today. It would be great to do it now. It's final, I'm doing it today.

I picked up the phone for the first time since Christmas Eve when I called my girlfriend, Julie, who apparently knows Luke, Reggie, and Alex. I put their number in and listened to the ring. It rang four times before I heard Reggie answer.

"Hello?" he questioned, sounding out of breath.

"Hey, Reggie!" I replied, coming off as excited as possible even though my hear was pounding and my breath was shaking. "It's me! Bobby!"

"Who's that?" I heard Luke ask. It sounded like he was standing right next to Reggie.

I heard Reggie laugh. "It's Bobby," he told Luke. "What do you want?"

His tone changed as he began talking to me again.

"I wanted to invite you and Alex and Luke over to dinner tonight. And there's a reason I wanted to, but I'd rather say it over dinner instead of over the phone," I explained to him.


"What does he want?" I asked Reggie as I wrapped my arms around his waist and burried my face into the crook of his neck.

"To tell us something over dinner tonight," Reggie answered as he rested his head on mine.

"Fuck it," I said, placing a kiss on his neck. "Let's go and see what the fucker wants."

Reggie told Bobby we'll be there and got a time and everything. After Reggie hung up, I pulled him back into bed and got on top of him.


While Reggie and Luke wrestled in their room, I was in the kitchen making lunch for us all. Since they have been incapable of anything productive since this morning. I woke up to Reggie. Not pleasant. Why it's the first thing they decided to do this morning is beyond me. I haven't seen either of them all day, and I'm content with that fact.

I heard the shower turn on and sighed, knowing they were done. Finally. I had the record player going to drown out their sounds. If you ever need an album to get rid of annoying noises, or disgusting noises in my case, Rubber Soul by The Beatles is the perfect album. Hints to life. Turn it up all the way and listen to the voices that inspired us all to start playing to begin with.

Once I finshed making chicken nuggets, Luke and Reggie had both made their way to the kitchen. Luke came walking in first, laughing. Reggie came waddling in after, trying to hide his physical pain. They both sat down at the stools that were placed in front of the counter and I gave them both a plate of chicken nuggets and fries. Surpriisngly, they both rememebered to say thank you. I mean, if they didn't I would've slapped them and they know that because it's happened before, but at least this time they didn't forget.

"Oh, Alex," Reggie said between bites. "I almost forgot to tell you that Bobby invited us to dinner tonight and we agreed to go."

"What?" I replied, not quite processing what was just shared.

"Bobby invited us to dinner-" Luke started, but I cut him off.

"Yeah I got that," I informed them. "Why did you say we'd go?"

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