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"And then he took me to an art museum where we snuck into a construction zone. I think they're adding something new there. Anyways, you'd be quite surprised at how much stress is relieved when you scream in a museum," I ranted to my best friends that were still cuddling on Luke's bed.

"You trespassed in a museum with Willie so you could just..." Luke started.

"Scream with each other?" Reggie finished for him.

"Yeah," I sighed happily. "But what did I miss?"

"What do you mean?" Reggie asked.

I gestured toward the two. Reggie looked up at Luke, who was looking down at him. They smiled shy smiles and looked away.

"So?" I asked.

"Not sure," Reggie admitted. "Last I knew, I was on the couch in the garage."

I gave Luke a suspicious look.

"He looked uncomfortable. And we play at the book club tonight," Luke quickly tried to defend himself. "I didn't want him to be hurting later."

"For the record, I was very comfortable," Reggie said as he sat up.

Luke sat up as well with a blush on his cheeks. They sat side by side. I never noticed the size difference between the two. Luke was built. Never missed a gym day, I guess. While Reggie was practically a twig. Well, he did have strong-ish arms. I could very clearly see his muscles, but they weren't as large as Luke's. Reggie only went to the gym when Luke invited him. Which was at least three times a week. Anyways, they were also the exact same height. I noticed that a few times, but now it really showed. They're deadass the exact same height. Both 5'8. And even sitting they were the same height. Which meant that everything about them, length wise, was perfectly symmetrical. Well, as far as the eye can see.

Bobby suddenly came walking into the room. I rolled my eyes, but made sure no one saw it. Luke was looking at Bobby with confusion, and Reggie didn't seem to care that Bobby was standing there because he was looking at Luke. I smiled softly. They are in love with each other, and neither one of them can see it. It's my only amusement when I'm with the band. Except for Reggie, of course. He's always amusing.

"Alrighty," Bobby said as he clapped his hands together. "We got a gig tonight, I want to practice. Studio in five."

"And if we don't?" Reggie half joked.

"You're out of the band," Bobby replied honestly.

"It's his band," I defended Reggie.

"But my house," Bobby argued.

"We could vote you out," Luke snapped.

"All in favor?" Reggie asked as he raised his hand.

I raised my hand as well. Luke hesitated a moment, then raised his hand.

"Strike three," Reggie said. "You're out."

"Since when do you make sports jokes?" I asked.

Reggie shrugged.

"How is that strike three?" Bobby asked.

"Well, I was strike one. Then Alex was strike two and Luke was the third," Reggie explained as if it were obvious.

Bobby just nodded, still confused. Honestly, it didn't make sense to me either, but I went with it. Luke was giving Reggie the same confused look, but eventually shrugged it off. We all stared at Bobby, who seemed unphased.

"So is that it?" Bobby asked.

"No," Luke replied, "Of course not. But if you keep acting like this is your band you will be voted out."

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