New people in town

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Getting used to Hawkins took some time. When you don't have a blood attracted monster hot on your heels, it makes it less stressful too. I am now Lune Byers. I have two amazing new brothers and an amazing woman who I am proud to have as a mother.

I yawned as I woke up. I turned off my alarm and got dressed. I had some blue jeans and a brown sweater since it was fall ( photo at the top minus the hat and bags). I put on my matching necklace to Els. Ever since she disappeared I wore it everyday as a reminder of her. I missed her. And some small hoop earrings. I put on some light makeup and let my natural brown curls fall down my back. I walked out of my room and was greeted with the delicious smell of Jonathan's cooking. I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"Food" I say starving. He laughs and goes to the fridge and opens the egg carton and groans.

"Lune we're out of eggs" he says. I roll my eyes playfully and waved my hand and my blue magic made eggs appear. "You're the best" he says kissing my temple. I sit down.

"I know" Then Joyce walks in.

"Morning you two" She says. We reply with a 'morning'.

"Will you're missing out on some bomb ass eggs!" I shout.

"Lune" Joyce says. I chuckle.

"Sorry" I apologize for my language. Seconds later Will walks into the kitchen. We do our handshake and he sits down.

"Why don't we have a handshake?" Jonathan asks his brother. I smirk.

"Because I'm way cooler than you" I shrug. Will shakes his head with a smile. I get a text and saw it was Nancy.

My stupid brother stole my money. Gonna have to rain check on shopping- nanc

That little brat. It's no problem, we'll do it another time- lune

I turn back to Will. "So how'd it go at the arcade?" I ask. He stills for a second.

"I-it was fun. Oh! Someone named MadMax beat Dustin's high score on Dig Dug" He says laughing.

"Oof another one bites the Dust" I say. He laughs. I smile knowing that I make him laugh. After everything he's been through. I check the time.

"We better get going before we're late....again" I say grabbing my backpack. We all jump into the car and Jonathan drives us to school. When we arrived I thanked him and got out. I saw Steve waiting outside his car with Nancy and I walked over there. I threw my arm over her shoulder and took the papers from Steve's hand.

"This your English essay?" I say.

"Yes" he says as he tries to snatch it back. I hold it away.

"You know you can't win this" I say smirking. He sighs in defeat. I begin reading it. English wasn't his best subject but I've been helping him and it's so far not looking terrible. "Steve it's not as bad as you think. It just need a little reorganizing"

"That's what I said" Nanc says before walking off in Jonathan's direction. I smirk. Those two have the hots for each other. Steve opened his mouth to say something but was cutoff by the roaring of a car engine. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked over and saw a blue Chevrolet Camaro drive into the parking lot. Steve and I looked at each other. Who's the newbie? Or newbies? The car stops and a young red headed girl gets out holding a skateboard, followed by a guy our age with a blonde mullet and smoking a cigarette. I watched as all the girls in the parking lot drool over him. I purse my lips. He's not really my type. I'm more into, guys who swing baseball bats with nails in them, and is bad at English. Y'know typical guy. 

The guy walks past us and his eyes linger on me for a second. I raise an eyebrow at him and he smirks.

"I don't like him" Steve says. I look at him.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now