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Everything happened in a blur. Doctors rushed to Will's side and picked him up to put home in their vans. Joyce and Bob went with Hopper and I drove Mike and I.

"Go faster! go faster!" Mike yells.

"I am Mike!"

I was going as fast as I can. It took us no time to get to the lab from there. I parked the car and the both of us ran to the lab where the doctors had him on a stretcher. We saw Joyce, Hopper and Bob. Will continued to sob in pain while holding his sides.

"I'm right here. Just hold on" Joyce says as we run down the halls. When we got to the medical room they laid Will down on the bed.

"Vitals?" A nurse asks.

"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106. Will, where does it hurt?" Another nurse asks.

"All over" Will groans.

"She says he feels like he's burning. Check for burns" Doctor Owen's says. The nurse began cutting his shirt and checked him for any burns.

"I don't see anything" The nurse says.

"Where does it hurt the most?"

"Everywhere! Everywhere!" He screams. The Doctors quickly inject him with a sedative. His breathing began to even out and his heart rate stalkers down.

Will was now sleeping peacefully. There was no more screaming and the atmosphere calmed down. Joyce was taken to a room to explain everything that's been happening, to the doctors. Mike, Bob, and I were sitting in our chairs. Mike was fast alseep, and Bob and I were just staring blankly at stuff. I had no clue where they took Hopper.

Our heads heads turned when Joyce walked in. She pulled my into a hug and sighed. She looked exhausted.

"They made me sign like a thousand documents. I mean, we all had to. We had to. I mean, I lost track at a certain point. They're gonna make you do the same. I'm sure" Joyce says. She explained everything to Bob over the past couple minutes.

"Yeah. Well, hey, whatever.....what kind of document?" He asks.

"Uh, confidentiality, and there were these official forms saying, like, nothing ever happened. Which is why..." She trails off looking at Wills sleeping form.

"Will got lost in the woods" Bob says.

"Yeah" I say.

"Man, I always thought stuff like this happened in movies and comic books. Certainly not in Hawkins, and certainly not to someone like you" Bob says to Joyce.

"Or you"

"Yeah...Bob Newby, superhero" he chuckles. "and Lune that's how you did what you did in the tunnels?" Bob asks. I shrug.

"Yeah" I whisper.

"You cold?" Joyce asks.

"Just a little jitters I guess. Hey, don't you start worrying about me" Bob says. I smile softly.

"Okay" Joyce says

"Okay? I'm fine. I'm fine" He says. She looks at him. "It's not like you didn't warn me. "This is not a normal family". Isn't that what you said?"

"Yeah" Joyce smiles. Bob chuckles.

"You weren't kinda makes my idea of moving to Maine sound less crazy, right?" Bob says. My face drops.

"What?" I ask.

"N-nothing Lune, it was just a thought" Joyce says.

"Mom" Wills voice spoke. We walked up to his side while Bob called for a doctor.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now