The vines

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I had my hands on wills shoulders, shaking him. He wouldn't budge. Tears prickled in my eyes in worry.

"Lune?! Will?!" I heard. I spun around and saw Joyce and everyone else.

"I just found him like this! He's having another episode" I say.

"Will!...Will! Will!" Joyce says holding him. I look at Max. I could get in big trouble for this, but I don't care if she finds out, Will needs my help.

"Joyce back up" I say. She backs up.

"Lune" Dustin says grabbing my arm.

"I know. It's okay" I say looking from him to Max. I took a deep breath and created a blue glow in my hand.

"What...the hell" Max says.

I raise my palm and press it against Wills forehead. I see a glimpse of that shadow monster, whatever it is , before gasping as coldness shoots through my entire body. I stumble to the ground. It felt like a thousand tiny needles were stabbing me all over my body.

"Lune!" Dustin and Lucas yell. The come down to my side. "She's as cold as ice"

"Lune! Will!" Joyce says conflicted between her two children.

"I-I'm fine" I saw as my teeth chatter. My hands shook. Joyce looks worried but I let her know it's okay. She turns back to Will.

"Sweetie , wake up! It's mom! Will!" He continues to gasp. "Will, wake up! Can you hear me?. Will please, just wake up, wake up!"

Then his eyes snap open with a gasp. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh will, thank god!" She says hugging him. Will doesn't say anything. Dustin and Lucas help me to my feet. Max just continues to stare. I bet she's pretty spooked. I wrapped my arms around my body to try and keep myself warm. We walk to the car and I get in.

"Thanks guys" I whisper. They nod before going back to Mike and Max. We drive away, and I'm mentally scolding myself for not wearing a jacket today.

"Are you okay Lune?" Joyce asks. I look at Will through the rare view mirror.

"Yeah" I say and look out the window the rest of the way home. When we did get home I went straight to the shower. I took the hottest shower of my life. You could probably cook a steak. But even after that, I couldn't stop shivering. I changed into the baggiest hoodie I could find and the warmest fuzzy pants and curled up into my bed. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't shake that feeling I got when I touched Will. The shadow, I felt this evil feeling. Like Will said at the hospital. That it wanted to kill. But I felt this emotion like it really wanted to

I jumped when my door opened and Jonathan walked in.

"Hey, easy there" He says. I sigh and lay back down.

"Hey" I huff.

"You're shivering" He says.

"I know. Nothing I do is warming me up" I say between chattering teeth. He leaves. Wow, thanks. He then comes back seconds later with something.

"I had this heater packed away in my closet. I never use it" He says sitting it next to my bed and plugging it in.

"Thank you" I smile. He returns it.

"Goodnight" He says.



Thanks to Jonathan's heater, I actually got a decent sleep. I woke up feeling a little better. Joyce told me I didn't need to go to school today after what happened and I gratefully accepted the offer. I could use a day off.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now