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(Bro please don't judge the costume. Do you know how fucking hard it was to find a ghost costume that wasn't just a sheet over a head or for 6 years olds? Lol)

I woke up and I could hear Joyce's laughter from the living room. I remembered it was Halloween and I chuckled. I promised the boys I'd be their ghost since they were being ghost busters. Of course I had no idea who they were so they called an emergency meeting to have a ghost busters marathon. Turns out I enjoyed it a lot. Remind me how old I am again? But this was my first Halloween and I wanted to dress up so here I am. I quickly put on the ghost consume. Not too shabby. I braided my hair and put a little more makeup on then usual which was just eyeliner. I walked out into the kitchen and snuck up behind Will who was getting his picture taken by Joyce. He spun around and pointed his proton pack at me. I put my hands up.

"Don't shoot. I'm a nice ghost I swear" I say. He chuckles.

"Oh Lune you look amazing" Joyce smiles hugging me. I thank her.

"You're seriously going to school like that?" Jonathan asks. I frown.

"Yeah, Why?" I say crossing my arms.

"Isn't it a little revealing?" He says. I roll my eyes.

"Already playing the big brother role? Relax, I can handle myself" I say grabbing my bag.

"I know you can. But Steve will be drooling all day" He mumbles. My eyes widen.

"Shut up!" I say blushing. Would he really? I smile.

"Wait! I need a picture of you two together!" Joyce says. Will and I laugh and get into position for a photo. He was pointing his gun at me and I used my magic to make it look like he caught me. If anyone asks about the photo, I'll just say I'm really good at editing.

"Alright. Off to school you three" Joyce says. I kiss her on the cheek. Will wanted to ride his bike to school today. I decided to fly. I know what your thinking. Lune, why in the hell would you fly to school?! But there's clouds out today, and if I fly high enough people will think it's just a bird. I opened my wings and took off from the ground. I followed from above Will and I saw him look up at me. The look on his face always made me chuckle. When we got to school I flew into the forest and then folded my wings back. I walked out and straightened myself out. I saw the rest of the ghost busters show up and I ran up to them. They all had their mouths open wide as they looked at me.

"Stop the staring right now before I knock you out" I say sternly. They all look away instantly.

"Lune you look...." Lucas starts.

"Hot" Dustin says. I punch him.

"Christ sake. Why do I hang out with you guys? I'm going to find Steve" I say walking away. I blushed embarrassed when I saw no one else dressed up. Just my fucking luck. You know what? I'm not even going to be embarrassed, I'm gonna own it. I walked up to Steve and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and his eyes widened.

"Holy shi-" I cut him off by clearing my throat. "Y-you look, you look really good" I smirk noticing his flustered state.

"Thanks" I say doing a spin. "Although I literally see no one else dressed up and I'm probably gonna kill myself so..."

"You look Hot. Anyone who says otherwise is stupid" He says. I blush a crimson red at his comment.

"Yeah I wish I was there to see the look on the boys face when they realize no one else dressed up" I laugh. He chuckles and swings his arm over me as we walk into school. As we walked I saw the boys. People were making fun of them.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now