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"Lune have you seen my keys?" Joyce asks. I chuckle. She looses them all the time.

"Sorry, I haven't" I say. She groaned and continued looking. Jonathan and Will were watching with amused looks on their face.

"Ah ha!" Bob says suddenly. We all turn to look at him. I didn't even know he was here."Found em, hiding under some jeans, sneaky little buggers"

"Oh thank you, thank you you're a life saver" She says kissing him.

"He's staying over now?" Jonathan whispers to her. She gives him a look.

"Can you just go to school, please"

"But Jonathan and I have a study group at the library. We told you yesterday" I say. She sighs.

"Crap I forgot, but if I drive Will I'll be late, and I can't be late again" She says.

"I can take him" Bob says. Will gives us a pleading look. We shrug.

"Will you make sure he gets in okay?" Joyce asks.

"Yeah, of course.  What do you say big guy? Wanna go for a ride in the Bobmobile?" Bob asks. Will doesn't say anything. I pat his shoulders.


Studying went by faster then I anticipated. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Some people looked hungover as shit from Halloween while the others we frantically finishing their homework that's due today. I had a free block and knew that Steve had gym so I decided to peak in and watch for a bit. The boys were playing basketball. I noticed Billy was there playing shirtless. He walked up and played defence against Steve. I could hear him taunting him.

"King Steve, they used to call you that, huh?" Billy says. Steve struggled against him. "Then you turned bitch"

"Hey, maybe you should just shut up and just play the game" Steve says. Just as he finishes his sentence Billy trips him and grabs the ball. I cringe. What an asshole. Billy gets the shot, and the next. I decided I had enough of this. Someone needs to humble this dude. Just as Billy was about to score I made him trip and fall on his face. It was probably a dick move on my part, but I gotta say, that was satisfying. Steve grabbed the ball and dribbled it across the court before shooting. Getting a point for his team. People cheered. People began to laugh and Billy got off the floor pissed. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh. I walked down and clapped. Steve spun around and a look of realization spread across his face.

"You....." he says pointing. I smile deviously.

"I don't know what your talking about" I say.

"Uh huh" he says throwing his arm around me. I gag and push him away.

"Gross you're all sweaty!" I say. He laughs.

"You may have gotten that shot but, it won't be long before your name is dragged through the mud Harrington" Billy says.

"Uh huh, says the one who just ate some" I reply motioning to his fall. Steve chuckles.

"You better watch it princess" He says taking a step closer.

"I watch where I'm going, that why I don't fall on my ass" before he could say anything else Nancy walked in.

"Lune" She says.

"see you girls later" I say jogging towards Nan " Hey"

"Hey. Do you have the notes for first period I missed them" She asks.

"Oh yeah sorry, here" I say giving my notes to her. "So....how'd it go with Jonathan?" I as smirking. She frowns.

"What are you talking about?"

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now