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Mike and I were startled awake by Will gasping. We sat up and saw him panting and sweating.

"Will, whats wrong?" I ask getting up. He looks at me worried. Once he tells us what he saw we rushed out to find Joyce sitting in the living room. I wonder why I didn't see anything this time. I usually see the same stuff he does, but why not this time? I wonder if the shadow monster was shutting me out from Wills mind.

We called Joyce's name multiple times but she didn't hear us. I walked up and out my hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Joyce" I say calmly.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"I saw him" Will says.

"You saw who, baby?" Joyce asks.

"Hopper. I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die" Will says. Her eyes widened. We rushed to Wills room and he began drawing where he saw Hopper.

"Is this where you saw him? I-is this where you saw Hopper?" Joyce asks.

"I think so, yeah" Will nods. She picks up the paper and begins walking around trying to find a match from the vines we put together earlier. The rest of us followed and looked along the walls.

"Here!" I yell pointing the the fridge. They all run up and Joyce put the drawing on top. "It's a match"

"Okay, so...so Hopper is here?"

"Yeah. Now we just need to figure out where here is, right?" I say.


"Did he say anything? I mean, before he left?" Mike asks.

"Uh, something about vines" I say. Our ears perk up as we here a car pull up. We walk up to the window and see Bob get out of his orange car. Great, just what we needed. Joyce goes out and talks with him.

"So how do you feel about Bob?" Mike asks. I shrug.

"He's not bad. The other two haven't really gotten along great with him yet" I say.

The next thing I know is Bob standing in the middle of the living room looking at all the drawings in awe.

"Huh" he hums. "Hmm" he hums again. He turns back to look at Will. "You drew all of these?"

"Yep" I say popping the 'p'. Bob nods.

"Why, exactly?"

"I-I told you the rules. No questions, okay?" Joyce says.


"We..we just need you to help us figure out what-" Joyce begins walking to the fridge but Bob keeps staring at the drawings.

"Bob? Bob! Over here" She waves over. I take the stuff he was holding that he brought over for Will and set it down.

"Where.....where this is" Joyce says marking an "X" on it.

"That's the objective. Find the "X"" Mike says.

"Yeah? Where's at the X? Pirate treasure?" Bob laughs.

"Bob, no questions" I say.

"Okay" he says. He scrunched up his face in thought and hums before grabbing Joyce. "Let me talk to you for a sec. Hang on guys" aren't walk into a room. The three of us stand there looking at each other. We hear can't chattering before Bob walks out.

"I get it. Okay I get it. That's lake Jordan. And if that's lake Jordan then you can probably find...." He says walking down the hall snapping his fingers. "Yeah, that's, uh, starlets quarry. And then if you just follow it naturally.... It moves to, the Eno river" He says. "And there it is. That's the Eno, do you see it? Okay so the lines aren't roads, but they act like roads. And they act like roads cause when you follow em you'll see they don't go over water. And that's the give away. That's the give away. Ha!"

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now