Close the gate

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El walked up to my side. I almost thought I was dreaming. I watched as all of their faces looked liked they'd seen a ghost. Then Mike walked foreword, tears brimming in his eyes. I stepped aside to let them have their moment. I put my hand over my forehead and my lips quivered. All this time I thought she was gone.

"Eleven?" Mikes voice shook.

"Mike" She gasps as they embraced. We all watched the emotional reunion.

"Is that?...." I hear Max ask. The two boys next to her nodded. El and Mike pull apart.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days" she says. "I heard"

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asks.

"Because I wouldn't let her" Hopper says. My face drops. What did he just say? "What the hell is this? Where the hell have you been?" He says.

"Where have you been?" She says as they hug.

"You've been hiding her" Mike and I say at the same time.

"You've been hiding her this whole time!" I yell shoving Hopper.

"Hey! Let's talk alone...both of you" Hopper says. He leads us to my room and I don't look at him. I cannot believe he kept this from me. He kept my sister from me! I- I thought she was dead.

"Protecting her! Protecting her?!" Mike yells.

"Listen. Listen to me. The more people know about her, the more danger she's in. And the more danger you and your family are in-"

"Oh so what I should be thanking you then?" I snaps.

"I'm not asking you to thank me! I'm asking you to try and understand" Hopper says.

"We don't! We don't understand!" Mike yells.

"That's fine. That's fine! Just do not blame her! Alright? She's been upset enough as it it" He says.

" I don't blame her! I blame you! I blame you!" Mike yells. All I can do is let the anger rise.

"That's okay, kid. That okay"

"No! Nothing about this is okay! Nothing about this is okay!" I sob shoving him hard.

"Oh jeez" Hopper says groaning.

"You're a stupid, disgusting, lying piece of shit!" Mike yells punching him over and over again. It kinda felt like we were attacking him but at this moment I didn't give a shit.

"Okay. Alright! Stop it"

"Liar! Liar! Liar!" Mike sobs. "Liar!" He squeaks. I let the tears fall from my face as I watch Mike. He truly does love my sister so much. Once Mike calmed down he left Hopper and I alone.

"Lune" Hopper says. I don't meet his eyes. "Lune...please... look at me"

"Why?" I ask as my lip quivers.

"I'm sorry, I know... I know how hard it was for you-"

"No! The thought of El being gone has haunted me for the last year. I blamed myself! That I couldn't protect her! I begged and pleaded that she was alive! I needed her! I-" I broke down into sobs. Hopper hugged me as I cried into his chest.

"I got you. You're okay kid. You're okay" he says. I pulled away from him and walked back out to the gang. They were all catching up with El.

"Teeth" El says pointing to Dustin's mouth. I chuckle wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

Stranger things (Steve Harrington X OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now